1. I'm 27 years old, am half Irish / half German and have dreadlocks of about half a metre in length.
2. Both my parents died within a year when I was 17, both of different kinds of cancer and on different continents of our planet.
3. I have no other close family, which kinda sucks.
4. I've been with my first and current girlfriend for 7,5 years now and love her more than ever before.
5. Despite having studied for a while, I'm more of a self-educated person - both in regards to everyday knowledge, as well as professionally.
6. I think I'm pretty good at what I do (3D & graphics), but due to personal problems I currently lack the enthusiasm and ambition I used to have - I want it back!
7. I can be a bit shy, but once a conversation gets going I'm very open and easy to get along with and usually make friends pretty fast.
8. I'm not too good at staying in touch with people, which is kind of a problem if your're relying on contacts to survive as a freelance artist.
9. Sometimes my memory can be like Swiss Cheese, so many holes in it! At other times its very good, weird.
10. I read in bursts, sometimes nothing for a year or more, then 20 books in 2 months, mostly SF (been catching up on the classics lately: Heinlein, Bester, Clarke, Dick, Ellison, ...), but also always some non-fiction to keep the brain working.
11. I have been lucky enough to have traveled a lot even at a young age and still do so regularly. I've been on most continents on this world several times (Australia being the exception, hope to change that in the future).
12. I can't count anymore how often I've been on a plane.
13. I have plenty of ideas for books and movies, as well as concepts for games. But I always give up to soon when trying to bring them to paper.
14. I will never write fiction because my punctuation and grammar suck!
15. I drink very little alcohol, don't smoke and take no drugs (which is kinda hard to sell to people due to my dreadlocks, but true), never have and probably never will.
16. I love gaming, music and movies and hope the trend of dumbed down mass-market appeal dominating these forms of entertainment won't continue in the current downward sprial forever.
17. During the Olympic Games my girlfriend and I will always spend 14 days glued in front of the TV, I don't know how or why but we love it.
18. I've already said too much, that's often a problem of mine...