Post interesting facts about yourself....

1. I come have a brother who is one year older than me and a couple of sisters who were close in age too and I basically grew-up in a neo-perfect "Brady Bunch" family until age 16 or so

2. I went to over 100 Grateful Dead concerts

3. I've taken over 100 hits of LSD

4. I've never tried heroin or crack

5. I really am as happy as I seem

6. I have a little spring in my heart that cheated death for me

7. I don't really feel hunger anymore

8. I believe in empathic communication

9. I'm not always as dumb as I seem to be

10. I'm not always as bright as I seem to be

11. I haven't had a drink of alcohol in over a year, although I still consider myself "a drinker"

12. I don't do pee tests

13. I do cartoon voices a lot with my kids for fun and I'm actually pretty good at it

14. I have no clue why I post as much as I do either

15. Sometimes I get a bit frightened by how much I know about PCs

16. My family is my biggest joy as well as my biggest pride in life

17. I still find it amazing that my wife is crazy about me

18. Some of my best friends are animals

19. I've never met a lot of my closest friends

20. I've raised the use of a Dugout(tm) to a high art form
1. I'm 40 as of last November
2. my first concert was the Osmond Brothers. Sucks having older sisters.
3. Been with my wife since '89. My initials are JRR and hers are MRR. Aww, isn't that cute. OK, not really.
4. I have an older half-sister with whom I share the same birth date. She says I stole her day from her when I came along. Even though I have 4 sisters and 1 brother I'm an only child (see #5).
5. My mother is married for the 4th time and my father did 6 before dying. I'm the only one of my siblings to not have multiple marriages, at least so far (knocks on wood).
6. I was born jaundiced and almost died. Came down with pneumonia so often from 1-8 that doctors didn't think I'd make it to adulthood.
7. When I applied to the university I graduated from I scored the highest on the reading & comprehension section of its entrance exams in its history (up to that point).
8. I'm left handed. I have a birth mark on my left wrist. I've broken both bones in my left forearm. I have 3 scars on my left arm from when cysts were removed. I have a scar across my left hand from a work accident. I have scars across my left hand's knuckles from a bar fight years ago (I won, for the record).
9. I became a father at age 38.5. It was the most terrifying decision of my life.
10. I've always wanted to write fiction but never managed to work up the confidence to even begin trying.
1) London-boy doesn't stop flirting with me ! even though he isn't my type

2) had my first real relationship at 14 , last 3 years till she past away from breat cancer

3) Can sleep with my eyes open

4) Can piss up to 10 feet

5 ) Can drive from new jersey to florida with out sleeping or using cofee / no doze
I'd be more impressed if he could drive from Florida to New Jersey without pissing.

But maybe that's why he can piss 10 feet...
RussSchultz said:
I'd be more impressed if he could drive from Florida to New Jersey without pissing.

But maybe that's why he can piss 10 feet...

Na , i made it to north carolina with out pissing though .

That was a nice 6 hours haha .... of course i expel most of my liquids through sweating .
MuFu said:
6. Biggest procrastinator EVER, probably as a result of always being able to get away with doing very little work and still get top grades when I was younger. Don't start most coursework till the early hours of the morning on the day it's due in and rarely attend lectures. Not proud of it - failed 1st year EE in dramatic fashion. A bit better these days.

I would consider that a point still open for debate - my motto: Exams aren't any fun if you know about the topic beforehand. :)
Well it's fine unless it gets out of hand. On both this course and my last one I have had lowest (0%) and highest (90+) module marks in the year simultaneously. A bit weird and not very cool. I think it's only because my results have been so erratic that I was given the option to change course instead of getting booted out altogether.

Moral of the story kids... don't do engineering if you are lazy and hate maths.
Interesting facts about me. Hmmm. OK, here goes:

1) My real name isn't 'nutball'

2) It wasn't my fault

3) There is no No. 3

4) There is no No. 4 either

7) I guess I'm not that interesting

8) No. 8 turned into a smiley
1) I'm 29
2) I haven't walked unaided for 12 years
3) I take enough painkillers everyday to kill a horse
4) I've released games on PS, PC and Xbox and worked with DC, PS2 and Xe
5) I've been published in 3 books and soon 1 magazine
6) My nickname is just my first name with an extra 'o'
7) I've never flown in a plane, but will soon, probably within a month
8) I'm embarrassing good at what I do... ;-)
John Reynolds said:
10. I've always wanted to write fiction but never managed to work up the confidence to even begin trying.
One of my dreams is to write a book. Ive tried several times to start, but that first blank page always beats me. But one day....

Simon F said:
Basic said:
I have seen LOTR (3 DVDs) non-stop, sitting in front of my computer. Only break was between DVD 2 and 3 to fetch a pillow to support my back (that started to ache a bit).
STRUTH ... have you had a surgical bladder upgrade or something?
I must admit that I might have forgotten such a pitstop on the way, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was none. Not because of any über-bladder, but rather because of lack of intake. Which brings me to another weirdo-fact about me:

I've lost pretty much all hunger feelings. It happens now and then that I realize late sunday that I haven't eaten anything since friday lunch. My friends use to refer to my eating habits as "crocodile-metabolism".
Basic said:
I've lost pretty much all hunger feelings. It happens now and then that I realize late sunday that I haven't eaten anything since friday lunch.
Wow. Some people eat to live. I live to eat. I also like to cook.

Probably why I'll never be 'cut'. I'm not tubby, tough--just not 'buff'.
1) I'm 26 and 4/5ths
2) I have visited over 30 countries
3) I enjoy my alcohol
4) I'm in a long lasting relationship with a rather nice lady - who also enjoys her alcohol ;)
5) I'm a four time competitor of the 100 Club International, three times of which I completed without urination during the event - one of the elite few.
6) I'm a bleeding heart liberal coz I'm such a nice guy. Awwwww!
7) My bread and butter is IT consultation - short hours, easy work and great pay. What more could you want?
8 ) I recently bought my first home.

I think that's all the main bases covered!
MuFu said:
1. I have liked someone I can't have for the past three years (who happens to be my best friend). It feels like I've been dumped when I wake up in the mornings. Not really doing myself any favours as a far as this situation goes.

WHY can't you have your best friend? I highly reccomend it. I have mine as often as I can manage [not as young as I used to be --damn that peaking at 18 thing for men]

Does she [you mentioned a gf, so this isn't entirely a guess or unthinking bias] even know you feel this way?