It should play better than other pool games, as you can use accurate pointing to set up the cue direction and point of impact, followed by accurate movement for power. They could set it up very nicely to flow fluidly from target to strike, including free roaming camera viewing mapped to the Move. It won't be true pool, but it should be a good game.Personally, I am not so sure about Move-enabled pool... because we only use one floaty hand to control the cue. Will it play well (for a precision game) ?
Is there a list of which titles have 2 Move support? There's no such info on iWaggle. Looking through the list, I see only the dance games, fight games, and Move Sports Champions, and in the latter only a couple of titles have two Move advantages; archery and gladiator, right?
I actually forgot about head-to-head! If we want to play against each other, we'll need a second Move.In Sports Champions, Archery, Gladiator and Beach Volleyball support two Move controllers optionally for single player, and of course require two for simultaneous multiplayer.
Hmmm isnt Sport Champions part of the EU bundle?
No. It just comes with the demo disc.
Otherwise the European pack would have cost 99 euro at least (US price is without taxes, and we know how these conversion rates tend to work out). So I think it's a win - you can basically create your own bundle for the same price.
Sony's motion controller Move can offer a more accessible entry point for developers looking to make an impact on the crowded and expensive console market.
While it's proving increasingly difficult to enter a triple-A market already dominated by big budget franchises, Michael Denny, head of Sony's Worldwide Studios in Europe, said that Move, like the PlayStation Network and the PSP, offer developers the opportunity to reach console audiences otherwise out of reach to those that don't have a budget in the tens of millions.
Addressing concerns from hardcore games consumers and developers such as Quantic Dreams' David Cage that Move might just be used for casual and family experiences, Denny said that Move will grow to support the hardcore crowd just as much as other Sony platforms and services.
It feels like sports.And like the real thing - there's nothing quite like going to the net, or for that matter an AI opponent that makes a shout sound as if she's going to serve a hard fast ball and then delivers a soft, 'just over the net' kind of affair that you have to reach forward to get.
patsu said:Are you saying Sports Champions will use the above tactics ? Really ?