Console RAM always gets outdated pretty quick. RAM has rapid growth in the PC space. There's no possible way to be future proofed, save for whacked-out tech like PS2's RDRAM. But those days are over.How fast will this ram become outdated?
PS1 == 3.5 MBs total. PS2 == 40 MBs total. Increase == 11xThe jump in size from last gen is nearly the same as the jump in size from PS2 to PS3.
PS2 = 40 MBs total. PS3 == 512 MBs total. Increase == 12.8x
XB == 64 MBs RAM. 360 == 512 MBs. Increase == 8x
PS3 == 512 MBs. PS4 == 8096 MBs. Increase == 16x
The 8 GBs of this gen is the largest increase in a long time. It'd be unrealistic to hope for more!