PixelJunk Shooter *

I didn't like the first one enough to give this one a go ... the only thing I can give this game is that a non-gaming couple played this co-op and enjoyed themselves a lot, and that it had well integrated leaderboards so I could see scores from all you guys. ;)

But although I appreciate what I've done, I can't stand that they manage to make these games look (much!) worse than the original Galaga. And I don't like the gameplay enough to compensate for that either. I'd rather play the original boulder dash and galaga instead I think!
Yea, I remember Shifty didn't like the first one too (Too short and didn't flesh out the idea enough).

I like the fluid dynamics stuff. Will give the second one another try.
I liked the first game but questioned its value. The mechanics and feel were excellent, but it wasn't the game it could have been with ideas not getting developed and cooperation or tool synergy not properly exlpored.

I disliked that other similar space game with the inbuilt level designer - it was too hard in places, too boring in others, and lacked any sense of fun. Plus the multiplayer was utter poop and you couldn't build your own multiplayer levels.

Probably won't be buying PJS2 as I'm perpetually awaiting the dungeon crawlers, but if it's got length this time and there weren't other games on my radar, I may have given it a try.
Oh great! I for one am really looking forward to this. The first game definately left some of its potential untouched, but I found it quite fun none-the-less.

One of the flaws of the first game is that it was too easy. I hope the second part becomes a bigger challenge and that there's more to it than just shooting your way through. I hope they manage to include some levels where you really have to think about which rocks to shoot in fear of either killing miners or closing a path you may need later on to get to the end of the level.
Well, I really loved the first one (apart from being too short). I would've been content with just an expansion with the old mechanics and fluids.
Shooter 2 however tries really hard to come up with new stuff and more often than not gets it totally wrong :cry:
First world introduces you to the "Hungry suit" and turns the game into a boulder-dash, you move between invisible squares and more importantly you cant stop except if facing a wall. Gives you lots of annoying deaths if you missed the opportunity to [strike]stop[/strike] change direction and your ship travels the whole invisible block to its doom. A far cry from the otherwise smooth and responsive controls.
Second world is largely ok, brings back some of the more memorable fluids and a new suit (I think, not sure). end boss totally sucks though, watch a too long cinematic, fight a bit (or rather dodge), another cinematic, fight and dodge more - die and having to watch everything again. And you will die.
Third world intros a new mechanic (darkness and creatures that dwell in it) and this is where I stopped playing. Its just too much trial and error and running into things I dint see.

Focus is now totally on combat, fluids and interaction take a backseat, enemies will regulary spam bullets and in many situations I havent found the right way to approach them - some bullets even ricochet of walls and thats often another level of hell. Usually it works (on successive attempts) to just rush at them before they fill up the path with bullets (several of them block your shoots btw) and kill them before they kill you. If you waited or dint knew where they spawn then you will have a very hard time. the 2nd level boss is a particulary bad example, after 3-4 sequences (all drawn out with kinematics) he will shoot ricocheting bullets - easy to get hit in those small pathways and usually that means you will get hit by multiple bullets and die.
Its a bad idea to rush aswell, enemies might spawn everywhere and in some cases they spawned right before my ship (insta-death if you collide) - I cant remember this being a prob in the first part. And this is the reason I stopped in the 3rd world - as you dont see much in the darkness and the creatures there will kill you if you stay there - so fly fast without knowing where to go and remember that badly visible enemies might spawn right before you.

So in short, if you felt the first part way to easy and are downright masochistic then by all means get it!
Playing around with various old and new fluids still can be fun, but the vastly increased amount of enemies (at least after the first world) will be your main concern. At some times the game resembles the bullet-hell from the 90`arcade-shooters...
Sorry Npl,

I can tell, a very good post, but I only read the top bit due to spoilers as I haven't progressed too far into the game yet... Not sure if I agree on all accounts, but yes, the hungry suit wasn't my cup of tea either...

This one is too hard imho... :???:

I'm in the second world and yes, it is really hard. IMO - it's just right. I'm not counting on the game being much longer than the first, but it's already presented to be quite a challenge which I find great. The first was just too easy and unchallenging. At least with this one, I really found myself thinking hard about how to move around the level to be most efficient and not end up dying.

As I said, I've only just started the 2nd world and haven't played this too often, but so far, I'm really liking the change (with some exceptions - like the hungry suit, though I didn't think that was too bad so far).
I completed it a few weeks ago.

I liked Shooter 2 better than the first. I actually liked the hungry suit because of the added puzzle element. The other new mechanics is more difficult (but scary !).

The second game is a lot longer and much more varied than the first.

In my playthrough, there were 2 difficult levels:

* Ghost fish

* Last attack of the final boss.

In general, I loved the boss fights. But yes, it can be challenging.
PixelJunk SideScroller Live on PSN, Your Questions Answered

PixelJunk SideScroller is finally out in the world!


Q: How many levels come with PixelJunk SideScroller? (via @wildbillhickock)
A: There are 13 levels (called “Sectors”) in total.


Q: Is there still an emphasis on exploring, or is it more “on-rails” than the PixelJunk Shooter series? (via @VofEscaflowne)
A: SideScroller is a complete departure from the Shooter series. Instead of exploring and puzzle solving – staples of the Shooter-verse – you’ll be using upgradeable weapons to spray bullets in every direction possible! Yes, SideScroller is more of an “on rails” experience, because...

Q: Any unlockables and cool things to work for? (via @AuburnRDM)
A: There are hidden items scattered through the entire game...
Thank god they did away with that cheap-ass looking art style. This looks a lot better in my humble opinion. Too bad it had to come out at a time where I can barely see the forest for the trees. Rochard, Sideways, Rocketbirds and now this. How are these games supposed to sell when there's competition like Batman, Dark Souls, Battlefield, Uncharted, Rayman Origins, Sonic, Assassin's Creed and CoD. With so many amazing full priced titles on shelves, every lousy dollar you can save elsewhere starts to matter
How are these games supposed to sell when there's competition like Batman, Dark Souls, Battlefield, Uncharted, Rayman Origins, Sonic, Assassin's Creed and CoD. With so many amazing full priced titles on shelves, every lousy dollar you can save elsewhere starts to matter

I concur !

I don't mind if PS+ evolves into a game subscription service for DLCs and little games like PixelJunker Shooters, Plants vs Zombies, etc.
Meh, I'd rather they make an artstyle like the submarine level in this game: