Photorealistic Screens of MotoGP (X360)

well.. until we can play it and tell if the physics are more accurate to the real world, is kinda hard to tell other than the graphics
perhaps on a cheap phonecamera circa 1999 :LOL:
whilst graphically its quite nice
the trees are terrible mainly just billboarded vegation, u can see the blue ring around the tree in this shot, URT 2006
this is due to a simple box filter when theyve created the mipmaps, also theres no motionblur.
the only way a photo is gonna be like this is if the shutter speed is quicker than a millionth of a second
Nice Poly detail, round roundnesses ;)
Needs better shadowing (as Mintmaster said) to really approach realism.
Standard but effectively used depth-of-field effects.
Also, good crowd variety in placement, grouping and attire. (which, IMHO, is more important than crowd detail in a racing game)
Nice lookin screens, not perfect, but the lighting model is superb imo.
But eye candy doesn't make the game, especially if this is going to be a simulator.
And btw gran turismo isn't a sim.
But I guess since that's all console gamers know they buy that bs.
Anyway the point is that if the physics are shit then all the eye candy is for nothing.
I'd love to see a game like richard burns rally with that lighting model+ high res textures.
Richard Burns Rally is easily the most realistic sim on planet, bar none, that includes GTR and GTL just so you know :p
Off-topic and inflammatory posts have been removed to prevent this thread from being totally derailed and locked - stick to the topic please.
Nice looking screens, but I wouldn't call them photo realistic yet. There are a lot of queues which scream out "CG" to me, but they are definately good for real-time work. The texturing is very nice in particular. It would be nice to see a video of the game.

I don't see how anyone could mistake these shots for actual photos, they're clearly anything but photorealistic, just like any other realtime game. Too much bloom, flat lighting, too little details on bikes and riders, many little things just add together to spell out 'fakery'.

It still looks good, in a way, but I'm not particulary impressed at all. Racers simply don't seem to be pushing the envelope, oblivion for example totally owns this game graphically.
Oblivion has motorcycles? :oops:


What sort of details are you talking about for the bikes?
Nite_Hawk said:
Nice looking screens, but I wouldn't call them photo realistic yet. There are a lot of queues which scream out "CG" to me, but they are definately good for real-time work. The texturing is very nice in particular. It would be nice to see a video of the game.


i posted a video in the motogp trailer thread
Well considering this game has until 5/06 to be released, (last time I looked) I think the game is coming along very nice indeed. I do see some of the small flaws people are talking about but there is still time left before release and I must say so far I'm pretty impressed. As always the proof will be the finished product. We shall see :)
When all you can see is the bikes and the track... it does look somewhat photorealistic, but when you start seeing the organic backgrounds (like trees) it becomes rather obvious it's a game. Still very impressive though (even if not quite PR).
Inane_Dork said:
It was just a touch too...
I mean, it had a few too many...

Uh, notes, sire?

Ah yes, notes. It simply had too many notes.

great reference, love that movie BTW :D
Guden Oden said:
Too much bloom, flat lighting, too little details on bikes and riders, many little things just add together to spell out 'fakery'.
Too much bloom? The bloom in this game is about as subtle as it gets. This is too much bloom. A few models are a bit bare, but others aren't at all.
Real vs. game.
Real vs. game.
(It's tough getting comparable photos.)

Here's another really good in game screenshot that's really close to photorealistic. They're not all like this, but some are damn good.

It still looks good, in a way, but I'm not particulary impressed at all. Racers simply don't seem to be pushing the envelope, oblivion for example totally owns this game graphically.
Oblivion? I haven't seen one Oblivion screenshot that looks even remotely photorealistic. What's more is that the bloom is way more overdone. I don't think Oblivion is much of a graphical showcase. GR:AW had a few places where it looked photorealistic.
wow, great post mintmaster, those compariosns are excellent they really make me alot more impressed with the gfx, very realistic.

with that said, not to be pessimistic ar anything...but i'm still waiting for some gameplay shots. pgr3 pulled a fast one with it's 'in-engine' stuff.
nice detail on bikes/bikers but a bit too much blur from depth of field; and I still don't understand why we don't get nice hi-res road textures after all these years of 3D racing games :)
Blazkowicz_ said:
I still don't understand why we don't get nice hi-res road textures after all these years of 3D racing games :)
PGR3 road ;) :

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