PGR4: New Snow on the Ring trailer

Ingame doesn't neccessarily mean realtime graphics. Look at halo3 and how you can take 1920*1080 screenshots with AA from the movie replays... or, indeed, look at the Heavenly Sword wallpapers posted here previously ;)

True, Ben (the community manager) did say it was in-game:

Ben said:
It's all in-game.


But he also went a step further and said

Ben said:
I hear you... I'm going to get some gameplay videos put together this week fingers crossed.

However, don't kid yourself. Everything we've released so far has been rendered in-game. We don't doctor screenshots or videos, and we never have. The same accusations came up with PGR3 pre-launch, and now we're getting them again. Show a bit of faith.

While one could argue semantics with in-game/in-engine (and collating frames rendered by the game engine into a smoother video is still rendered in-engine, but with the advantage of higher IQ levels for stuff like motion blur... but makes you wonder why they didn't do it with better MSAA).

But the "We don't doctor" comment indicates this would be out of bounds and would seem to re-inforce the "in-game" aspect. (Some would argue some PR shots with higher resolution are "doctored" but those were probably done for print purposes, which argueably requires higher resolution, which isn't necessarily doctoring).

Anyhow, I am sure at some point we will see the finished game and can decide ourselves. I doubt they will comment on this UNLESS they want to share their uber motion blur technology.
It's not to their advantage to share from a competition POV, but thankfully devs are often forthcoming to help progress the whole field of game development. Does MS have a system of encouraging devs to share techniques? Are special magic-sauce methods of various XB360 devs likely to find their way to other XB360 devs?
It's not to their advantage to share from a competition POV, but thankfully devs are often forthcoming to help progress the whole field of game development. Does MS have a system of encouraging devs to share techniques? Are special magic-sauce methods of various XB360 devs likely to find their way to other XB360 devs?

Maybe internally (although MGS doesn't really seem to share a lot, at least some of their titles seem to argue against such). Also, the fact Halo 2 matchmaking on Live is still far and away ahead of everyone else... that said Bizarre and Turn10 are said to be fairly close, though it should be remembered Bizarre Creations is an independant studio. Sega is their publisher for The Club, which is multiplatform. I don't know if this is true, but someone told me PGR is a MS IP.
You know, I briefly saw a playable demo of this at X07, but wondered by it, only noting that they appeared to have bikes in it now as well. I guess I should have paid more attention!
Ben said:
We don't doctor screenshots or videos, and we never have. The same accusations came up with PGR3 pre-launch, and now we're getting them again. Show a bit of faith

Well this guy just lost all credibility.

I'd have a little faith....if PGR3 actually looked ANYTHING like this:

But it actually looked like this:

Sure you don't doctor screenshots, you just release screens that have absolutely no relation to the actual graphics in the game!
Well this guy just lost all credibility.
I guess that's the problem with sound-bites. They tend to stretch definitions. If what we're seeing are from a realtime 'trailer mode' then it's in game, but not what you'll see while driving. The PGR3 promo shots released weren't doctored - they were rendered that way ;)

Which is why a little skepticism is healthy IMO. Just the other day I was watching game trailers round a mates and me brother-in-law was saying 'look at that! It's almost real. I'd love to play that game!' over a game. I mentioned briefly it was no doubt CGI. How did i know? The quality of animation, IQ, and effects. That motion blur couldn't have been done in real-time ;) But the sale had been made and this fella had the name of this game stuck in his head, where other real trailers didn't leave the same impression. Any company that's publicly discussing its creation is likely to be considerate towards marketing at the same time.
Only last link work for me. Anyway, the last image is clearly not realtime, probably in game.
Polyphony has been using this method since GT3, their initial intro for the game was rendered with their in game engine, but the final qualty was stunning as they composited a TON of intraframes together to achieve high quality motion blur and anti-aliasing.
Well this guy just lost all credibility.

I'd have a little faith....if PGR3 actually looked ANYTHING like this:

But it actually looked like this:

Sure you don't doctor screenshots, you just release screens that have absolutely no relation to the actual graphics in the game!

Huh? Watch off screen replays of PGR3 and try pausing the replay with a closeup shot of the car.

BTW I'm not sure why people are going apesh*t over PGR4 "replay" intro video not being realtime. In replay mode there is a lot of processing power available for fancy effects not available in "gameplay" mode. Also we've seen developers like Capcom do some very nice motion blur with X360's eDRAM.
Also we've seen developers like Capcom do some very nice motion blur with X360's eDRAM.

Sure, but Capcom clearly uses the same old "per-pixel velocity" method you find in the DX SDK. Artifacts are clearly visible in Lost Planet when Wayne's legs move past each other.

If this is indeed a real-time motion-blur technique, its far more sophisticated then what other games are using.
Only last link work for me. Anyway, the last image is clearly not realtime, probably in game.
Polyphony has been using this method since GT3, their initial intro for the game was rendered with their in game engine, but the final qualty was stunning as they composited a TON of intraframes together to achieve high quality motion blur and anti-aliasing.

That last screenshot, being GT4, is very likely to be photomode, as there you have tons of focus, shutter speed, and so on options that make this kind of shot very easy to produce (it's one of the ugliest photomode shots I've seen, by the way :D)
Well this guy just lost all credibility.

I'd have a little faith....if PGR3 actually looked ANYTHING like this:

But it actually looked like this:

Sure you don't doctor screenshots, you just release screens that have absolutely no relation to the actual graphics in the game!

I have seen a lot of PGR3 screenshots from users that look a lot better than that. And you are comparing a gameplay camera shot to a cinematic shot. The cinematic shot appears to be in photomode, but even not touching things up I have seen much, much better shots that show off the same quality in the cars.
Well, scooby_dooby perfectly summarizes what I'm afraid of !
Though I really enjoyed PGR3, the actual ingame visuals were far from being on par with the replay or even screenshot mode...
I really hope there won't be such a gap in PGR4.
Can't wait to see a gameplay video, Ben was supposed to capture one this week, wasn't he ?
I have seen a lot of PGR3 screenshots from users that look a lot better than that. And you are comparing a gameplay camera shot to a cinematic shot. The cinematic shot appears to be in photomode, but even not touching things up I have seen much, much better shots that show off the same quality in the cars.

Well by all means, produce a better shot, I just went with the first google images result. Other than the crappy contrast, that's essentially what PGR3 looks like.

So the point will still stand.

The entire PR campaign and images released for PGR3 were not even close to the actual graphics of the game.

So when this guy comes on and says it's all ingame, we don't doctor shots...I have to laugh. Sure he may be technically correct, but in the end who care's what photomode looks like?

Is that where most people spend 95% of their time? Or do most people play the actual game?? And if these shots aren't the actual gameplay, I really wish they would quit calling them "ingame".

It's nothing more than a stupid play on words that misleads people into thinking the actual game will look like that, which it won't.