therealskywolf said:
Anyway, Games gone "Gold", for reference:
The problem with looking at Gold dates as a determination of time to market is that some games already have a release date long before their Gold (or RC) date... sometimes 6 months in advance.
Other times games are strategically released to pad publisher profits OR to fit into specific release windows. e.g. if EA has 6 titles to release in Sept, Oct, and Nov, they wont release them all on the same date--even if they are all done. They will space them to maximize sales, the bigger titles getting the better dates.
Frequently a team will move on to other projects before a title is shipped; indeed, frequently certain members of a team may have completed all they can do on a game MONTHS before release (even as the rest of the team works) and may be tasked with working on future titles, additional content, etc.
As for the specific subject at hand about time to live... well, they have their work cut out for them. They JUST got the final HW. Unlike the Xbox that was a PC CPU + PC GPU + HDD + Optical drive + LAN (for all practical purposes) Xbox 360 is a new beast. Tricore PPC CPU different than the dev kits, radically new GPU design never tested in the open market. Even worse, until a few months ago they were working under the assumption the 360 would have 256MB of memory.
So they have 5-6 months to get a handle on radically different hardware, finish all their game content, optimize their engines, debug their entire game, make sure Live works, balance out the game play, and then get it approved, pressed, and shipped.
Now they can do a lot of that at one time (and I am pretty sure more titles aiming for 2005 release are feature/content complete at this point, or at least VERY close) but it is going to be a VERY hard next 6 months.
And, like most launches, most games will stink. A lot of potentially great titles will underwhelm, some will really stink (ruined by 1 aspect of the game that is obviously bad and could have been fixed in 3 months), and 2 or 3 gems.
Welcome to early adopter hell. Next ride begins Spring 2006 (PS3 launch).