Thanks Ingenu it was a good decision IMO, I hope people keep this on topic and update Rev news here.
Urian said:
The problem is that a lot of people (included me) are speculating with the PPE and the PowerPC 970FX and now I believe that we are wrong.
The fact is that Nintendo never has made a non-portable system around a CPU.
I hope they care more with the CPU (or GPGPU) because I think it will be much more importante this time around, specialy once they will not go to HD, AI, animation, physics... will play a much bigger role IMO.
Anyway I think we should not consider a brand new architeture for Rev CPU or GPU simple because they wouldnt make return from such a huge R&D budget (NV said one new architeture cost around 350M$ for the GPU if I remember well) unlike Sony, so a PPE a FX/MP or even multi Gekkos (lets say a updated one + a VMX unit would be what around 15M transistores put 8 or 10 at 1,5Ghz (it should be possible given 65nm I guess) and you would got 24-30X the performance with a 120-150M transistores which is not big and probably not cool in 65nm, at least in theory), but Nintendo dont want 1) spend lots of money in devolopment in games 2) exclusives games or games that also use is special controls so it needs to be very easy and cheap to devolop; so I think that we also should take out those CPU which will take a lot of work/money to get good performance (that is way I think if they want it to be great performer it will be based in something that it is only optional not inerentely hard like Cell and Xenon), ence the many Gekkos is out of question for me.
I dont mean they can only use those components but they will use parts also based in other products from the companys it can even be a next gen PPC (PPC1070?) or the next gen low end DX10 from ATI (X2300?) as long they hadnt been the only ones spending the money in the R&D and it is cheap to devolop games, and they are only wathcing abd moddifing one of those parts for the console (ence the long time agreements).
So yes we may be wrong because we dint know what those companys are devoloping in paralel (besides Rev HW), but I belve that if we know we would be able the make some very acurrate guess about the HW in the Rev. But of curse this is only IMO I could be dead wrong too, but I think it is what make more sense).
But please (no sarcasm here) tell me why you think that we are indeed wrong, besides N never did a console based on the CPU (not even I sugested that, plus Sony/Cell/PPU/GPGPU (specialy from ATI) and myself with my opening sentence starting to see the things in others way, making CPU like/programable power starting to be much more important IMO), or at least CPU like.