PC start and hang up problem


My problem is that my PC(P4 2.8,512 DDR RAM,GF Ti 4200 128 MB GFX,Intel 865 MB,200 GB HDD with Win XP Pro SP1)hangs up on me regularly when I am doing some work.
Sometimes the PC wont even start on switching the CPU start button.The machine starts but there is no display.
I have to keep on switching the start button on and off multiple times and even then I am not sure if the PC will start.
If the PC starts well.....I am lucky.
Most of the times when I am using some application the PC just hangs up.
My vendor says that my GFX card is the problem..I think even he is not sure because the same problem occurs even when I have connected the monitor cord to the MB GFX output....
I have been using the same card for over 1 year now and this problem did not surface AT ALL during last year.
I have reassembled the entire CPU but I am really not sure about the exact problem area.
Can anyone help?
In case if you need any more info to isolate the problem,please do let me know.
If your problems persist both when using graphics card and motherboard-based graphics, then that is obviously not the problem.

PC not starting up when pushing the power button sort of suggests looking at the power supply next. Many program hangs are also caused by glitchy PSUs, if it isn't delivering a stable voltage when the CPU starts to draw a lot of current, the CPU can easily crash. It could also be a mobo/BIOS issue as well I guess, but it's easier to try a different PSU than it is to try a different mobo, so start there and then report back again if that didn't fix your problems. :D

Good luck to you.
sounds like my recent problems sort of (other thread started today 7/31)

i hope i didn't screw anything up building it or setting it up...so that 3 months down the road i've trashed the mboard or cpu ($1000!) or something.