No, the original was not, so I don't see why the sequel would be. MP ran just as fast in 50Hz as 60Hz mode, only difference was 60Hz was slightly smoother (and had more slowdown), while 50Hz had greater screen resolution. Overall I much preferred 50Hz mode I might add.Fox5 said:Metroid Prime was only available as a PAL 60 release, so maybe it was timed to the framerate.
Painkiller on PC and Zone of the Enders 2 on PS2 are both tied to framerate and will physically slow down when the framerate does. Painkiller on a weak PC is literally like playing the game as if everything is slogging through a sea of molasses.It'd be a bad idea for games with unstable framerates to tie things to the framerate though, but I think even PC games from the mid to late 90s have been guilty of it.
These are quite big exceptions from the rule however...