[PC] Grand Theft Auto IV

I did a bit more testing. Cat 8.12 drivers seem to improve performance. The benchmark is still the same but ingame it seems to run a bit smoother. I checked with fraps and the game seems to run between 25 a 32 fps most of the time. I tried changing the settings (the no limits thing doesnt work for me) and I set everything to the highest the game would allow (100 for everything, only the top one only gets to 47 I believe) and than framerate can drop to about 16. Funny enough it seems that the only reason for that is the amount of cars and not really the gfx. I dont see any difference in the gfx anyway only that on the highest settings the game gets even more buggy with buildings and trees popping up and disapearing and textures that get loaded to late or change to high res when you are really close to them.

Textures are still screwed up though and i'll come back on my previous comment that I dont miss AA that much and i'll agree with Digi that AA is needed.

(click for full size)

I think that explains a bit of the GPU heavyness, all the small black dots back there where it hasn't loaded textures (nor buildings) yet (spinned around few times to get it load everything else but that direction, then turned there and quickly snapped the shot to get it without textures) are moving cars, their physics are being calculated, their driver ai's are being calculated - that has to be heavy indeed.
Now, wether this was in any way wise decision to draw them back in the areas where you can't possibly normally see, I won't comment, but maybe this still explains part of the heavy part.
I doubt those little dots are using much resorces, as when you go up high in a chopper and come back down you can see the little dots fade away as the close up cars that do have AI and physics fade in, with no direct relation to where the little dot cars were. However, on the 360 there are no little dots to represent the cars at great distances like that, just phantom lights.
I'm loving this game. I admit I have a bias for the GTA series. I've liked every GTA PC game and this is no exception. The gameplay lets me overcome the aliasing, the perforated shadows and the performance.

GFWL also works well for me. I unlock achievements and stuff and it's fun, great fun. I love this game. :) This game is to Far Cry 2 as B3D is to 2008 IQ. :cool:

(click for full size)

I think that explains a bit of the GPU heavyness, all the small black dots back there where it hasn't loaded textures (nor buildings) yet (spinned around few times to get it load everything else but that direction, then turned there and quickly snapped the shot to get it without textures) are moving cars, their physics are being calculated, their driver ai's are being calculated - that has to be heavy indeed.
Now, wether this was in any way wise decision to draw them back in the areas where you can't possibly normally see, I won't comment, but maybe this still explains part of the heavy part.

Have you tried sniping from up there? One problem with console GTA4 is that the interesting places to snipe from were SO high that you wouldn't even see traffic or people walking by.
Have you tried sniping from up there? One problem with console GTA4 is that the interesting places to snipe from were SO high that you wouldn't even see traffic or people walking by.

Nope, the problem is that by the time you'd get sniper up and zoomed in, it would have loaded everything and it would block visibility to pretty much all of those cars.
I'll see how it looks, anyway.
Regarding the patch, the autoupdate didn't work for me (probably due to my personal firewall) so I installed it manually from the VE3D link and I'm up and running. I benchmarked the new patch with my play settings and got 24 FPS compared to 21 FPS unpatched.
I anyone else using a 360 control pad with this? According to the instructions as well as the in game prompts, the triggers are supposed to work in analog, i.e. half hold the trigger and you go into free aim more - full hold it and you lock on.

But mine appears to be digital all the time so I can only lock on or not, no free aim. Its the same with car acceleration, no degrees at all, its basically full speed or nothing.

Anyone else seeing this issue? What about 360 owners? Isthe accelerator analog on the console?
I use a 360 controller for the pc and today I indeed noticed the triggers are analog. Personally I think its annoing for the guns. Im not really used to analoge triggers so I press them all the way in always meaning it will lock while I dont what that.
I installed the patch and thought it hosed my game! Suddenly the camera was always at my feet pointed up, and I couldn't get it off that.

Couldn't figure out what was wrong until I cleaned up behind my monitor and realized I had a PS2 controller attached to my PC through a USB converter thingy that I had forgotten about...

Unattached it, everything works great again. :)
Hmm... This is what I get with the default settings. Patch 1 and Cat 8.12 are installed, CCC is set to prefer vsync, and mip-map settings are on high (or else I get lots of black textures everywhere).

Average FPS: 47.91
Duration: 37.46 sec
CPU Usage: 58%
System memory usage: 63%
Video memory usage: 77%

Graphics Settings
Video Mode: 1680 x 1050 (60 Hz)
Texture Quality: Medium
Render Quality: High
View Distance: 25
Detail Distance: 37

Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Service Pack 3
Video Adapter: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series
Video Driver version:
Audio Adapter: SoundMAX HD Audio
Intel C2Q Q9300@ 3ghz

File ID: Benchmark.cli
Damn, my E6300 is getting destroyed by this game. Especially 32 player MP.

Say, when are the new ATI or nvidia cards due? I am gonna upgrade this shit to some Core i7 lovin'.