[PC] Grand Theft Auto IV

Okay, this one was just for laughs:

LaunchGTAIV.exe -benchmark -renderquality 4 -shadowdensity 16 -texturequality 2 -viewdistance 99 -detailquality 99 -novblank -norestrictions -width 1920 -height 1200 -refreshrate 60 -fullscreen -fullspecaudio

Average FPS: 16.27
Duration: 37.49 sec
CPU Usage: 81%
System memory usage: 81%
Video memory usage: 98%

Graphics Settings
Video Mode: 1920 x 1200 (60 Hz)
Texture Quality: High
Render Quality: Highest
View Distance: 100
Detail Distance: 100

Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Service Pack 3
Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX
Video Driver version: 180.84
Audio Adapter: SB X-Fi Audio [CC00]
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6300 @ 1.86GHz

File ID: Benchmark.cli

16 FPS with the very highest settings vs. 24 FPS with the very lowest settings.
Yea its called a bullshit port :cry:

I dont want to do a parade but this game made me bail out of my seat. Parching my roof as we speak. I would assume they didnt't optimise the engine to offload graphic related tasks to the GPU. Sure it works well with the consoles as the CPU's there need to pick up the slack but on PC the GPU has spare power.

And dont come and tell me this game was built up from the ground for PC becosue I found lots of xbox360/PS3 specific files and data lines when looking for ways to mod this game.
Highest 16fps, lowest 24fps?
I get 16 FPS with the game set to the highest settings. (1920x1200, everything at maximum)
I get 24 FPS with the game set to the lowest settings, but with fullspecaudio enabled. (800x600, everything at lowest)
I get 20 FPS with the game set to the lowest settings, with minspecaudio enabled. (800x600, everything at lowest)
Yeah the game does run like utter crap actually. Even at console level settings its barely playable on my GTS 640MB (which can breeze through every other console port at much higher settings).

Forget that fact that the devs have allowed for the settings to be turned up really high, the game runs like crap even when they're set to low.

Add to that the lack of AA support in a game that so deperatly needs it and I can only reach one conclusion.
I sent an email to rockstar support and asked them to forward my benchmarks to the devs. I wonder what the reply will be. Probably some standard "fuck you". :D
So I just tested out the game too. Get 37fps in the benchmark @ default settings (1680x1050, medium high) but as soon as you start playing you have to take 10 fps off it because you can tell it just doesnt run that smooth. I'm not impressed by the looks either. I dont notice the lack of AA that much but what you do get looks kinda meh to me. FallOut3 which also has the big worlds looks and runs about 3 times better than this does and that is even without the ''shadows'' which I really dont understand a company can have the guts to release like this because its obvious there is just some gigantic bug somewhere.

Not sure if im actually going to bother playing this. I still got Dead Space and DMC4 (hooray for x360 controller on pc) to finish so maybe when a patch comes out which fixes performance (which I dont think will happen) I'll bother.
I dont want to do a parade but this game made me bail out of my seat. Parching my roof as we speak. I would assume they didnt't optimise the engine to offload graphic related tasks to the GPU. Sure it works well with the consoles as the CPU's there need to pick up the slack but on PC the GPU has spare power.

And dont come and tell me this game was built up from the ground for PC becosue I found lots of xbox360/PS3 specific files and data lines when looking for ways to mod this game.

To be fair, remember that GTA 4 shipped with the much-discussed texturing bug on 360, and the PS3 ran at 640p. So it's not like all the quality went into the console ports. :D
FallOut3 which also has the big worlds...
Of course it takes a lot more resorces to simulate a city filled with all sorts of well animated people and vehicles than it does a barren wasteland sparsely populated by robotic AI.

Overclocking your CPU, or upgrading it, will do you wonders.
Anybody else having the issue that world objects gets reloaded everytime you turn around?
I tried some command line options someone recomended last night, and got that issue.

-norestriction -novblank -noprecache -nomemrestrict -fullspecaudio

Not sure which one did it, but if you are using any of those I recommend ditching them as I didn't see anything good come from any of them.
Of course it takes a lot more resorces to simulate a city filled with all sorts of well animated people and vehicles than it does a barren wasteland sparsely populated by robotic AI.

To be fair the AI in fallout for high priority actors is updated in OOS parts. Counts for a good 100's of them active all the time. Though the updates are per X amount of second.
I tried some command line options someone recomended last night, and got that issue.

-norestriction -novblank -noprecache -nomemrestrict -fullspecaudio

Not sure which one did it, but if you are using any of those I recommend ditching them as I didn't see anything good come from any of them.

I tried different commands but never got them to work. Only way for me to see the high textures was to set resolution to 1024*768 and 5 for draw distance. I rather have medium textures, 1280*1024 and 65 draw distance.

Anyway I get the problem no mather if it's all low or almost all max with or without the command line options. :???:
To be fair, remember that GTA 4 shipped with the much-discussed texturing bug on 360, and the PS3 ran at 640p. So it's not like all the quality went into the console ports. :D

Hehe, those suckers!

Neverthless my experience with GTA3 and Vice City was good. Good perfomance vs image quality, res and settings with AA. San Andreas I disliked becouse that was not optimised. The game was locked to use 256MB or less RAM (dont remember it exactly) and "stream" the rest from the HDD, no mather if I had 2GB RAM and 512Mb VRAM. Kinda irritated me and then GTAIV................. :(
Of course it takes a lot more resorces to simulate a city filled with all sorts of well animated people and vehicles than it does a barren wasteland sparsely populated by robotic AI.

Overclocking your CPU, or upgrading it, will do you wonders.

Yes but why should I spend alot of money because rockstar did a crap job? My pc runs every game I tried perfectly fine at the highest settings I can choose but yet gta4 runs bad while not even giving me something good in exchange for that.

Also I dont see the point in overclocking yet as everything else runs fine. Maybe i'll do it when I want to play the game, but only if speedstep will still work. I like my silence :)
Due to my CPU overheating and being throttled by the Thermal Monitor, my previous benchmarks are invalid.

I reran them:

Lowest possible settings:

LaunchGTAIV.exe -benchmark -renderquality 0 -shadowdensity 0 -texturequality 0 -viewdistance 0 -detailquality 0 -norestrictions -width 800 -height 600 -refreshrate 60 -fullscreen -minspecaudio -nomemrestrict

Average FPS: 25.01
Duration: 37.42 sec
CPU Usage: 87%
System memory usage: 67%
Video memory usage: 74%

Graphics Settings
Video Mode: 800 x 600 (60 Hz)
Texture Quality: Low
Render Quality: Low
View Distance: 1
Detail Distance: 1

Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Service Pack 3
Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX
Video Driver version: 180.84
Audio Adapter: SB X-Fi Audio [CC00]
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6300 @ 1.86GHz

File ID: Benchmark.cli

Lowest settings, full spec audio forced:

LaunchGTAIV.exe -benchmark -renderquality 0 -shadowdensity 0 -texturequality 0 -viewdistance 0 -detailquality 0 -norestrictions -width 800 -height 600 -refreshrate 60 -fullscreen -fullspecaudio -nomemrestrict

Average FPS: 24.43
Duration: 37.25 sec
CPU Usage: 90%
System memory usage: 66%
Video memory usage: 50%

Graphics Settings
Video Mode: 800 x 600 (60 Hz)
Texture Quality: Low
Render Quality: Low
View Distance: 1
Detail Distance: 1

Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Service Pack 3
Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX
Video Driver version: 180.84
Audio Adapter: SB X-Fi Audio [CC00]
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6300 @ 1.86GHz

File ID: Benchmark.cli

Highest settings:

LaunchGTAIV.exe -benchmark -renderquality 4 -shadowdensity 16 -texturequality 2 -viewdistance 99 -detailquality 99 -norestrictions -width 1920 -height 1200 -refreshrate 60 -fullscreen -fullspecaudio -nomemrestrict

Average FPS: 16.75
Duration: 37.50 sec
CPU Usage: 89%
System memory usage: 74%
Video memory usage: 97%

Graphics Settings
Video Mode: 1920 x 1200 (60 Hz)
Texture Quality: High
Render Quality: Highest
View Distance: 100
Detail Distance: 100

Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Service Pack 3
Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX
Video Driver version: 180.84
Audio Adapter: SB X-Fi Audio [CC00]
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6300 @ 1.86GHz

File ID: Benchmark.cli

Settings I consider mid-range but with native resolution:

LaunchGTAIV.exe -benchmark -renderquality 4 -shadowdensity 0 -texturequality 1 -viewdistance 22 -detailquality 22 -norestrictions -width 1920 -height 1200 -refreshrate 60 -fullscreen -fullspecaudio -nomemrestrict

Average FPS: 21.47
Duration: 37.35 sec
CPU Usage: 91%
System memory usage: 69%
Video memory usage: 93%

Graphics Settings
Video Mode: 1920 x 1200 (60 Hz)
Texture Quality: Medium
Render Quality: Highest
View Distance: 23
Detail Distance: 23

Microsoft Windows XP Professional
Service Pack 3
Video Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX
Video Driver version: 180.84
Audio Adapter: SB X-Fi Audio [CC00]
Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6300 @ 1.86GHz

File ID: Benchmark.cli
well i installed SP3 first (game won't run without it apparently). this failed miserably, had to reformat and reinstall...never got SP3 to work, ended up going with Vista.

LOST my fallout3 saves. sheesh. i know i know, shoulda backed up before i started.

got game running on pretty low settings. it looks grainy? glowy? why can't i get the clean cartoon look of vice city? what do i turn off or on?