"Derek Perez has been being very nice to me in e-mails and is talking like he is aware that there is a very real problem with nVidia and the enthusiast community and that it is actually starting to affect/hurt nVidia and they want to try and do something to fix it. "
Here is a real simple thing they can do. STOP LYING AND CHEATING !!!.
Seems simple enough but Nvidia does not see that do they? If they want to patch things up with the community they need to let the hardware speak for itself, and stop the cheating stop the lying stop the little dirver tricks left and right. Even if the hardware is not as good as ATI they have done themselves a bigger diservice by all this crap. I think if the FX line was put out without all these cheats and didn't perform as well as ATI it would be a lot better than the corner they have painted themsevles in now.
Now even if Nvidia does produce some great hardware they have tainted the benchmark portion of this industry so much no one will ever trust them again, and now people have to scramble to try and find a set of tools that will show us what is really going on when benchmarking hardware.
Nvidia has shot thesemvles in the foot and prevented themselves from ever making an honest comeback by killing off 3dmark and cheating in every possible way.
I honestly hope that Nvidia does not get away with it and I hope they do go under and are held up as an example of what happens when companies stray to far the simple idea of putting out the best product possible. I hope they go down in flames and another 3rd party steps up to the plate to guive ATI some good legit competition.
Here is a real simple thing they can do. STOP LYING AND CHEATING !!!.
Seems simple enough but Nvidia does not see that do they? If they want to patch things up with the community they need to let the hardware speak for itself, and stop the cheating stop the lying stop the little dirver tricks left and right. Even if the hardware is not as good as ATI they have done themselves a bigger diservice by all this crap. I think if the FX line was put out without all these cheats and didn't perform as well as ATI it would be a lot better than the corner they have painted themsevles in now.
Now even if Nvidia does produce some great hardware they have tainted the benchmark portion of this industry so much no one will ever trust them again, and now people have to scramble to try and find a set of tools that will show us what is really going on when benchmarking hardware.
Nvidia has shot thesemvles in the foot and prevented themselves from ever making an honest comeback by killing off 3dmark and cheating in every possible way.
I honestly hope that Nvidia does not get away with it and I hope they do go under and are held up as an example of what happens when companies stray to far the simple idea of putting out the best product possible. I hope they go down in flames and another 3rd party steps up to the plate to guive ATI some good legit competition.