It's been said a million times before, if you want to combat "used games pirating" which is what some people consider it, then add some freaking value to your game over time. See burnout as an example.
Add online pass, add vaule to 2nd 3rd and 4th playthrough, unlockable characters, hidden lvls, add Co Op
Release new content, for free!
And no matter what is done, there will be some people that just buys the game, goes through it as fast as possible, get the highest possible used price, gets more new games and does the same.
The "anger" issue seems to be that there is a 3rd party involved that earns money on selling used games, well dear industry, take away the 3rd party by stepping in his place. Buy our used games for credits in your online store, give us discount on new games, open up a used market online for our Digital Purchases so we can trade them around. If needed they could put a limit on how often DD game could be sold and how soon after a purchase. The same with physical games, there is a wealth of options to be explored.
And take a cut on everything, earn money twice on your products.