on immigration

Ill give you a vote for NZ(my country obviously)

2nd Lowest unemployment rate in the world(after South Korea)
The 2nd lowest total tax take as a percentage of GDP(2nd after Mexico, rofl)
We are having such a serious labour shortage even unskilled labour is short at the moment.
With your list of skills you find a job piss easy(or should)
You would get into NZ easy with that list of skills(and your from one of the countries our govt is actively trying to recruit from)
Alcohol is cheap
Marijuana is cheap ;)
The climate is mild(esp the upper north island)
Very cheap to live in(except possibly auckland but still cheaper than EU/US)
We dont have a wanker for a PM(have to take a shot at the aussies somehow)
NZ chicks are slutty whores, if you cant score frequently here there is something wrong with you(esp with your quals, get a good job, and buy a highly modified car for 15kUS and youll have school girls gagging for you)
Hmm what else, oh yeah our food in general tastes better than US or EU food(EU dairy products are crap in general from my exp and the US meat products, chicken etc lack taste)
Im sure I can find other pros.

We are far from everywhere, airtravel is expensive(I guess maybe not if you get a good job)
NZ chicks while hoes are god damn pig ugly on avg(tho we have lots of immigrants so they make up for it, or just order yourself a russian bride :p)
While living here is cheap, our incomes will good, still arent up to US or EU levels.
You would most likely have to live in auckland(which sucks and there is heaps of aucklanders :)
If you want any more info just ask.
Ill be glad to help if you want any.
Blitzkrieg said:
With your list of skills you find a job piss easy(or should)
New Zealanders are quite Xenophobic, dont plan on getting a great job for a few years at least, at least until you get an accent. You are white with an english surname, right?

Blitzkrieg said:
NZ chicks are slutty whores, if you cant score frequently here there is something wrong with you(esp with your quals, get a good job, and buy a highly modified car for 15kUS and youll have school girls gagging for you)

Buy a Nissan skyline, the tarts will be all over you, its rather funny actually.

Blitzkrieg said:
NZ chicks while hoes are god damn pig ugly on avg(tho we have lots of immigrants so they make up for it, or just order yourself a russian bride :p)

Thats the truth. If you want hot girls go to South Africa or northern Europe

Blitzkrieg said:
While living here is cheap, our incomes will good, still arent up to US or EU levels.
You would most likely have to live in auckland(which sucks and there is heaps of aucklanders :)

Auckland housing is fiendishly expensive.

Other things: Lots of nice clean beaches, occasionaly summer, the news is an hour long and absolute rubbish; nothing newsworthy ever happens, and it there are only (just) 4 million people, so things are pretty small.

Also, the culture mirrors the USA a _lot_, so you will feel right at home :)

And its really safe also, at least from violent attacks.

On the brightside, we have (semi) decent internet access (2mbit/192 ,10gb per month shortly)

I am an immigrant to New Zealand, so these are all from a foreigners poin tof view.
wow, okay I thought it was going to be really tough for me to get into NZ. I think it's comming down to NZ and Singapore... and I think I'd probably pick NZ of the two. I will have to do more investigating and will likely be back with more questions but... damn NZ is looking awful nice.

and, yes, I'm white (well at least I look white, I'm actually mostly Native American) with an English surname.
Blitzkrieg said:
NZ chicks are slutty whores, if you cant score frequently here there is something wrong with you
uhhhh... do you know ANYTHING about me? I need every advantage can possibly get... and STILL will fail most of the time :LOL:
drspangle said:
Blitzkrieg said:
(esp with your quals, get a good job, and buy a highly modified car for 15kUS and youll have school girls gagging for you)
Buy a Nissan skyline, the tarts will be all over you, its rather funny actually.
how bout a Porsche? I'm a huge Porsche fan.

drspangle said:
Blitzkrieg said:
NZ chicks while hoes are god damn pig ugly on avg(tho we have lots of immigrants so they make up for it, or just order yourself a russian bride :p)

Thats the truth. If you want hot girls go to South Africa or northern Europe

how 'bout pics of those Singapore girls too if anyone has em :p
I think cars are the most outrageous in Singapore. Oh yeah, forgot to mention. If you think fuel is expensive in USA, relish on the fuel prices here! Then again, this island is tiny enough, that you might not need to drive that much.

Housing can be quite expensive, if you go for the new developments. On the other hand, getting pre-owned homes can be quite cheap, it does need patience and some searching. Weird isn't it? In LA, new development is always always cheaper. Most apartments will go for about US$250k to 450k. If you really want a condo with all the frills, be prepared to spend upward of US$600k.

Payscale? It really depends on your skills. If you are skilled in the IT sector with a degree(yeah, paper qualifications are gold here), you will live well. If you look at the annual salary figures, they aren't often in the US$100k or higher range. Myself, I'm a 7yr newb in this industry, and am in the US$60-80k range. If it sounds low, consider the tax rate. ;)
Yeah I am white(and one of the few that has zero problems with asians or any other race living in NZ, they are all far harder working and better ppl than the lazy islanders and natives on avg)
Dont get a porsche, youll have far more success with a skyline.
Yeah I guess alot of NZers are xenophobic(mostly against asians or africans)
If you can pass for white or just slightly tanned, or even like the ROCK's skin colourings and features(he was born in NZ, polynesian).
Accent is no problem is just being able to speak english well, and being a yankl that should be no problem.
Nothing on the news? Who cares, who watches tv? :) Esp with broadband.
The culture in the bigger centers esp auckland mirrors the US alot more, esp with all the natives and polynesians who think they are from harlem in NY or San Andreas in LA.(even tho we are definitely anti yank in general, tho the govt not the ppl) We still get more EU and British views and culture than the US does tho.
Ill agree on the violence as long as u dont live in Otara in auckland or other shite areas.
Lol I think you need to look at the wireless options. Telecom is going to 2mbit/192 10gig cap but my mates already have 2mbit/2mbit(I think thats right) uncapped for a couple of months, only some parts of auckland and Hamilton can get it tho. Wellington has really good options too thanks to TelstraClear.

I might have to change that thing on tax thinking about it. Labour Govt has increased taxes a bit since I read that article I think. Tax rates are 19% for Under 33,000 33% for 33001-60000 and 39% for over 60,000.
GST, goods and services tax, on most things is 12.5%, but not on rent or housing. There is no capital gains tax. Tho I think savings are taxed and dividends get taxed at 33%(very lame but half our share market is foreign owned so it gets some money back otherwise our Current account deficit would be even worse, Govt is running a surplus the envy of any western govt as a % at the moment)

Hahah yeah occasionaly summer, I guess it depends on what you call summer. But we dont have much of a winter(well at least in the north island).
Auckland is expensive, but many ppl are starting to live outside auckland and just commute to work in aucks.
If you dont like auckland, Hamilton(only 200 odd Kms south is good, jobs range isnt as huge, no top end stuff but its nice and not expensive), Wellington the capital is very high tech(tho it can get windy there and a bit expensive too) Palmerston North IF you can find something at the Uni(colder there tho)
Christchurch isnt too bad either pretty good(they get snow tho)
and Dunedin and Invercargill are ok for Uni/tech jobs.

To be honest it SHOULD be easy for you to get into NZ but the Labour Govt keeps fucking changing the immigration laws the stupid pricks.
Last I heard they where targeting North American UK Ireland and possibly the EU for immigrants.

Romania EASILY by far has the best looking woman in europe. I lived there for a year, and all the other foreigners I met from the US, Sweden and other parts of europe said Romania is a land of models. Dont know about South african chicks tho.

If you want to look at NZ jobs try www.seek.co.nz I think. See if anything suits you.
Might as well put in my .05c...

I'm an Australian, and have lived overseas for four years before coming back. Make no mistake, Australia has a great lifestyle. I live in Brisbane, which has a nice year round climate and access to some great beaches and parks/outback.

BUT, I'm enjoying living here mainly because I'm settling down and because after living in London for four years I need to relax! Sydney and Melbourne have more diversions. I prefer Melbourne (cheaper accom - more cosmopolitan) but Sydney has a better climate.

Problems with Oz is that generally we're a pack of wankers. Won't go into the politics here, but I'm sure the kiwis and poms here can agree with the the fact that we've got our fair share of idiots amongst us - but hey, it's not like we're unique in that respect!

If I were in your position I'd be looking to NZ. Cons is the weather isn't as warm as I'd like, and the travel is more expensive (though to the Kiwis' credit, their dollar is going strong).

Otherwise Europe is a great place to be. Scotland would be good for a laugh, but the climate is a bit extreme at times. You may want to look into Ireland too, IT scene there seems pretty strong.

Sweden and Denmark are great places to be. Shame Sweden is out of the question for you.

Would be good if you could your foot into the door of somewhere like the Czech Rep. Yanks are well loved there, and you won't have any problems getting some lovely ladies lining up outside your bedroom door. It's also a booming little economy. Your problems there would be language and finding work. The currency is also weak. The beer is the world's best - you'll just have to take my word for it ;).

South Africa has a bad rep. Sure, there are the bad parts, but it's not the only country with bad problems. Do your homework and I'm sure you'd come up with some good options there. Absolutely stunning country, but again travel and weak currency run against you there.

In the end it's up to what you want. If you want high pay, maybe you should look into the Middle East - lots of money in Dubai for instance. If you want lifestyle, Oz and NZ aren't too bad either.

Probably a good bet would be to go travelling about for a year before making your mind up, but that's a luxury not many of us can afford. :)

Good luck!

Edit: Just read the post about Romanian women. From what I've heard they're pretty top notch. That also got me thinking of Estonia. Real stunners there, has a hot IT scene, and is just a ferry ride from Helsinki (with many drunk Finnish day trippers jumping off the boat every day). That would be worth looking into as well.

Check out my website http://www.thepantsman.com/ for some inspiration about Latvian and Swedish lovelys.
RussSchultz said:
What is the tax rate?

I'm not sure myself, but judging from what I earn and what I paid, it's at about 6-7%. The tax code here isn't complicated. All I did is declare what I earned, my bonuses, deductions for my 1 kid, my housing loan and voila, done. No ridiculous tax forms to fill up like back home. I can do my taxes in 5 minutes here, it's really that simple.

If you want the details, it's something like this. Singaporean forum members, please correct me if I am wrong. Grabbed it off www.iras.gov.sg, which is their IRS website.

$0 - $29,999 bracket
First 20k, $0 tax
+ On the next 10k - 4%

$30,000 to $39,999 bracket
First 30k, $400 tax
+ On the next 10k - 6%

$40,000 to $79,999 bracket
First 40k, $1000 tax
+ On the next 40k - 9%

$80,000 to $159,999 bracket
First 80k, $4600 tax
+ On the next 80k - 15%

$160,000 to $319,999 bracket
First 160k, $16,600 tax
+ On the next 160k - 19%

$320,000 and up
First 320k, $47,000 tax
+ remainder above 320k - 22%

In Singapore, as an IT worker, your pay is most likely between $48-125k, depending on what you do. This puts your tax rate at an average of around 5-10%, which during tax month, is little more than small change to me, unlike in LA, where I gorge out my left kidney and a bit of my spleen for the IRS.

edit: Clicked submit instead of preview.
Trawler... I can't find the "inspiration" you were talking about but I'm sure reading some FUNNY stories!
okay, Trawler, I have a question for you- I talked to my m8 in the Navy and he said that there's like 4 women per 1 man in Oz. Okay, that sounds a bit embelished... but, he also said that the Oz women go NUTS every time an American ship pulls into harbor and basically fight over the sailors. I talked to KILER and he said that he hadrly knew any women at all... but, then, KILER doesn't have a lot of friends. Poor guy is almost as hard up for attention as I am. But, I figured my m8 had been fed bullshit. Hpwever, I recently talked to another of my m8's who'se also in the Navy and he said the same thing. I talked to him, telling him it's probably just Navy rumors and isn't really true. but, he insists that it is.

So, my question for you- how easy would it be for a pretty good-looking guy with zero social skills but an American accent to get an Aussie girl? It was suggested that I could probably find one to marry me in 2 weeks... which I'd LOVE... but I think that's pretty far on the unrealistic side of things. Still, if possible, I'd LOVE to marry an Aussie girl to get my citizenship. I don't care if she's fat, ugly, and smells funny (but really DONT want one that smells funny if at all possible). I'm financially secure, extremely well-behaved, and am accostomed to doing at least my share of the housework. I'm not looking for spousal benefits although I'm willing to provide full benefits if requested.
Sage said:
okay, Trawler, I have a question for you- I talked to my m8 in the Navy and he said that there's like 4 women per 1 man in Oz.

It's true. Shame three out of four of them are hairy lesbians.

Yes, there's the slappers that jump at the chance to get down and dirty with the navy boys - but on the other side of the spectrum there are the lovely young lassies who believe that the sun shines out of their arse. It's kinda hard finding a nice, normal lady (which is why I ended up with an import).

But yeah, your accent will work for you and I'm sure you'll be able to drag up something, but your mate is definitely talking about of his arse.

If you can drag a lady up the altar within a month, I'll buy you a carton!
Trawler said:
If you can drag a lady up the altar within a month, I'll buy you a carton!

lol! well, it would be a purely buisiness relationship (and, assumingly, temporary).

and, i take it, you wouldnt know any that might consider marrying me then :p

oh and the whole hairry thing doesnt bother me (turns me on actually) but the lesbian bit might get in the way for them although I certianly have no problem with taht either! ;)
Whats the citizenship rules for aussie like?
If you apply for and get NZ residency , in 3 years you can then get citizenship. Tho we only hold dual passports/citizenship I think with the UK and Netherlands.
Ive heard Aussie girls are much better looking that kiwi girls on avg, so if they are just as slutty, thats a big bonus.
I still think the Skyline/Evo/WRX/Boyricer car with mods is a much easier way of hooking up chicks, both in NZ and Aussie from what I hear.
I heard theres alot of really hot women in Hungary, Romania and the Chech Republic, but how easy are they to pick up?

Why are there so many hot ladies, closest country I've been to is Greece, where you can spend a week in Athens and not see one single hot greekian woman!! :oops: and this is the country that has created Jennifer Anniston o_O
Blitzkrieg said:
Whats the citizenship rules for aussie like?
If you apply for and get NZ residency , in 3 years you can then get citizenship. Tho we only hold dual passports/citizenship I think with the UK and Netherlands.
Ive heard Aussie girls are much better looking that kiwi girls on avg, so if they are just as slutty, thats a big bonus.
I still think the Skyline/Evo/WRX/Boyricer car with mods is a much easier way of hooking up chicks, both in NZ and Aussie from what I hear.

That 3 year residency isnt for long though. In the next few months it will be changed to 5 years. Luckily my papers are currently being processed as I`ve only been here 3 1/2 years...
Leto said:
I heard theres alot of really hot women in Hungary, Romania and the Chech Republic, but how easy are they to pick up?

Why are there so many hot ladies, closest country I've been to is Greece, where you can spend a week in Athens and not see one single hot greekian woman!! :oops: and this is the country that has created Jennifer Anniston o_O

Greece didn't create Jennifer Anniston... plastic surgeons did ;)
Blitzkrieg said:
Whats the citizenship rules for aussie like?
If you apply for and get NZ residency , in 3 years you can then get citizenship. Tho we only hold dual passports/citizenship I think with the UK and Netherlands.
Ive heard Aussie girls are much better looking that kiwi girls on avg, so if they are just as slutty, thats a big bonus.
I still think the Skyline/Evo/WRX/Boyricer car with mods is a much easier way of hooking up chicks, both in NZ and Aussie from what I hear.

I don't know but I'm planning on marrying someone pretty fast and that should get me my citizenship. I don't care about dual citizenship... I dont WANT ot be an American citizen. If I am then they have control over me. I don't trust the new government with control over me.