on immigration


13 short of a dozen
Due to recent and expected future changes to the political climate in my home country I'm very seriously interested in migrating to another counrty.

Unfortunately, I don't have a 4 year degree. I will, however, soon posses A+, Network+, i-Net+, CIW, MCSA, MCSE, MCDBA, and CCNA and a few other certifications. I could become a "student" if I had to but, I don't know where or for what I would go to college for. I could try to find someone to marry me but I really don't have a lot of international contacts... and bad enough luck with the women here!

I'm really interested in Australia but Canada is not out of the question. Anyone have suggestions on how / where I should migrate to? I do intend on becomming a citizen of the country. The only language I speak is english but I shouldnt have any problem learning a second one.
Well, study at a Swedish university is free, even for foreign students, and our institutions are held in high regard internationally... :D
Sage, at the risk of turning this into a RPSC-type discussion, what changes are you expecting that would have any appreciable difference to you that would justify moving?

Relocating and changing citizenship is a pretty big step.
3dilettante said:
Sage, at the risk of turning this into a RPSC-type discussion, what changes are you expecting that would have any appreciable difference to you that would justify moving?

Relocating and changing citizenship is a pretty big step.

I'm afraid that Church and state will no longer be seperated and that I will loose my privacy.
Guden Oden said:
Well, study at a Swedish university is free, even for foreign students, and our institutions are held in high regard internationally... :D

free!? is it hard to get into them? can you recommend a good engineering and/or medical school? And, do you think it would be possible to learn enough Sweedish to go there for the 05/06 school year?
Sage said:
Guden Oden said:
Well, study at a Swedish university is free, even for foreign students, and our institutions are held in high regard internationally... :D

free!? is it hard to get into them? can you recommend a good engineering and/or medical school? And, do you think it would be possible to learn enough Sweedish to go there for the 05/06 school year?

If half of China and the Middle East can find their way into Canada and end up with jobs, I'm sure you can too!
In Germany it's free as well. Sweden is much more fun if you're into metal and blondes, though ;)

In southern Germany, you can get the very best education in everything technical, worldwide! All the other stuff sucks badly.

What's your actual problem with the politics? It's not like it'll influence your life directly in any way, I suppose. I don't know how it actually feels for you, but I don't think it would make any difference if Carry won, or you, or myself. Ther US politicians dance to the music of military and General Motors, just like Mercedes & Co. rule Germany, so it doesn't really mean anything.

Politics is always made by the stupidest, lamest rednecks, no matter in which country you are. Don't expect to find anything better elswhere. Be happy that you don't have to wear the uniform and shoot people. I had the "pleasure" to live in Bosnia during the war there. Believe me, it was all but funny.
Hmm, I'm in the same boat as Sage, however I'm a young black man. I have attended 2 years of university, but not finished yet. Are there any countries out there for me? Canada is probably the best candidate, but is there anywhere else out there?
Sage said:
Tuition is free for the students, but not for Swedish society as schooling is paid with tax money. Still, better than the alternative where poor people can't afford higher education like in some OTHER countries... :)

Of course, LIVING here is not free. :D

is it hard to get into them?
Hard to say, it would depend on the course and the school of course. How it's done if you're a foreigner I don't know, but since foreigners study here it's not impossible...! :)

can you recommend a good engineering and/or medical school?
Some engineering schools (there are many):
http://www.chalmers.se/Home-E.html Chalmer's University of Technology here in my own home city. Internationally renowned in many fields, including semiconductor and OLED research.
http://www.kth.se/eng/index.html Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. Largest technical school in the country.
http://www.ltu.se/eng/index.php - Humus went to school here. Northernmost university in Sweden! :)
I recommend Chalmer's, of course. ;)

http://info.ki.se/index_en.html Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm. Largest and foremost in Sweden, and one of the largest in Europe. Very good.
http://www.liu.se/en/presentation/ University of Linköping; two of my friends became doctors here. Then they got a kid together. Then they married. Then they got another kid, so beware if you apply here if you're not ready for the consequences! :D
http://www.gu.se/English/default.html Study medicine at University of Göteborg at Sahlgrenska Akademien! Göteborg is a beautiful city, and the Sahlgrenska University Hospital is one of the largest and most advanced in Scandinavia. :D

And, do you think it would be possible to learn enough Sweedish to go there for the 05/06 school year?
Oh gosh! I haven't the faintest! :) (And ACKPTH, don't spell "Swedish" with 2 "e", because it makes you look retarded! ;) And no, we don't end sentences with "ja", that's the GERMANS that do that! :))

I think you could manage using just English in many cases (much of the literature is only in English in some subjects), though lectures would be a problem of course if you don't learn the language - though admittedly I'm only guessing here! As for how hard it is, well I was speaking it from the age of 2, so it can't be that difficult! :D:D:D
I think you'd feel comfortable in Sweden. Personally i'm a big sweden fan, seems like a very relaxed country and when i was little kid and visited some distant family (in the 80s ...) a few times, i always loved it. But then a kid pretty much loves everthing that is new and exciting :D I always thought of Sweden as the US of Europe back then. Because of the US-like suburbs with wide roads, huge gardens, and flat houses. And much space in general. I think this is still true, even though last time i was there was in the 90s.

PS. Alcohol is very expensive in Sweden! :D
Knowing swedish is not neccesary to study at swedish universities in general. Not all courses are given in english, but most of the time it's very flexible. If any foreign students are attending the lecture, tuition will be given in english instead. At LTU where I studied perhaps about half the lectures I attended were given in english because of this. Most of the literature that's used is in english as well. One thing speaking for LTU would be that since it's quite far north not as many people are looking to study there, so it's fairly easy to get in. Quality-wise it's one of the best places to study as well.
thop said:
But then a kid pretty much loves everthing that is new and exciting :D

Hehe! Well, that's cool man. :)

I always thought of Sweden as the US of Europe back then. Because of the US-like suburbs with wide roads, huge gardens, and flat houses.

Difference between Sweden and the UK for instance is huge. England's a VERY cramped place in comparison. I've been to Germany and the Netherlands too, but I was much smaller then and didn't have the patience to do much studying of living conditions (nor was there really time for it I might add), so I can't compare.

And much space in general. I think this is still true, even though last time i was there was in the 90s.

Yuppers! We got lots of space here... It's really nice. :)

PS. Alcohol is very expensive in Sweden! :D

It's getting cheaper - sadly, I have to say. :D Imports from abroad are much cheaper of course and you can import enough to pickle yourself ten times over. :p
If you're in CS you may consider <a href=http://www.cs.vu.nl/masters/compsys/welcome/index.html>Netherlands</a> too.
Sage said:
Guden Oden said:
Well, study at a Swedish university is free, even for foreign students, and our institutions are held in high regard internationally... :D

free!? is it hard to get into them? can you recommend a good engineering and/or medical school? And, do you think it would be possible to learn enough Sweedish to go there for the 05/06 school year?

Well, since I've recently taken up finishing up my Master's in computer engineering(finally), I can say that getting into a CS/CE/EE programme couldn't be easier than it is right now. Even the more prestigious schools like Chalmer's and KTH have difficulty even filling up the slots.

A tip for Chalmer's or KTH, if you go through with this, take a couple of weeks or a month off first to brush off the maths and physics skills... It starts off HARDCORE! :)
wow, this is so amazing! I had no idea! I love Sweden!!! This is DEFINITELY something I'm going to have to check out.

Tax levels suck here, I'm giving the country about 45% of my money. But the payment is good, so it doesn't hurt that much ;)

Sweden is great, but don't even ask about alcohol prices... :oops: It is VERY expensive to get drunk there!