Oh GOD! (immigration problem)

sytaylor said:
I guess, well, the italians I'm exposed to all talk in deep voice and sound almost russian, running restraunto... Still, to any registrar not used to young italian males, then its gonna be obvious ;)

Well i dont work in restaurant! i can play the italian model guy, and u know that these model guys are always a bit ambiguous...... err....
A bit?! Thats like saying those frenchies can be a bit stuck up, or britney spears is a "bit" of a chav. Still its less mr smooth, greasy hair dude, and more limp wristed jumpy hugs with a very soft voice :p

(I'll stop yanking your chain soon enough...)
well I know three people that I can remember that got married and got the papers (2 for real, 1 for papers only) and well that all got through without problems AFAIK. Obviously those two for real, there cannot be any problems as sooner or later the governmnet would let them live together or they would move out of UK, but the one for papers only did not have any problems and they didn't even live together but I think she registered on his address just to be on the safe side. I think noone checked them.

Still they all did it on time and not 28 days before deportation, and if they catch you - as said initially this might just as well be a criminal offence if intent to decieve the home office is proven +lots of hassle that you will never encounter otherwise in your "normal" day to day life. Home office treatment is often very brutal and they don't care if you have papers or not, if they investigate/interrogate/whatever you.
This thread is useless as of now. We need pictures of the chica!
Naked pictures of her if possible. Only then we can pass a judgement about marrying her or not.

sytaylor said:
A bit?! Thats like saying those frenchies can be a bit stuck up
We French people do our best to show compassion to inferior people like you.

But sometimes you people make it very hard for us to not remind the likes of you that you are undeniably lacking any form of class and style.

Yeah that's right, don't hate us because we belittle you each time we can. No, hate yourself because you make our snide remarks so easy to make...

Vysez said:
Yeah that's right, don't hate us because we belittle you each time we can. No, hate yourself because you make our snide remarks so easy to make...

Fortunately, no-one of any significance speaks French, so your snide remarks go unheard. :p

Oh yeah, and

I find it amusing that the British think the French are unclean, self-satisfied, self-interested, untrustworthy and egotistical.

On the other hand, the French think the British are unclean, self-satisfied, etc etc...

Well i do have pics, but seen how i already de-personalised this thread for obvious reasons, i'm not sure how safe posting a pic of someone looking to break the law would be...
I can't see anyone buying this fake marriage. I mean, everyone in the U.K. has got to know you're gay by now. You can't go around and sleep with 90% of the male population and not have the general public know you're gay.
John Reynolds said:
I can't see anyone buying this fake marriage. I mean, everyone in the U.K. has got to know you're gay by now. You can't go around and sleep with 90% of the male population and not have the general public know you're gay.
:oops: :oops: :LOL: So that's the reputation i have 'round here...
Whats the law on engaments ? If your going to get married and set the date for a year from now can she get a temp visa and stay in the country till the marriage ? That may allow her to apply for proper citizenship or green card and get it before you have to marry .Then you can break up
I would say this is a great time to offer to help her pack.

Anything else is a hge hassle for something that could get you in a truckload of trouble, and pays nothing in return for your effort. It's simply not worth it, even for a really good friend.
Things like this is one of the main reasons why I'm in favor of free immigration and open borders.
Humus said:
Things like this is one of the main reasons why I'm in favor of free immigration and open borders.

hello humus, long time no see.

what's up? any new demos coming out?
I've been travelling the last two weeks, so I haven't been posting much and pretty much kept away from demo coding too. I have no demo coming out in, say, the next few days or so, but I should get back in the loop now, so I'm sure I'll find something interesting to work on.
Now is probably not a good time for trying to help potentially illegal immigrants enter the UK, regardless of circumstances...
Can she talk to her MP and explain her situation?
I know in NZ you can make appeals to the minister for foreign affairs. Since she has lived in the UK for so long and since she was very young, would they not be more sympathetic for her cause? Esp if shes forgotten some of her Ukranian and she has a nice English accent.