This is 'dangerous' talk. There is no way of verifying anyone's comments, nor validating anyone's opinions, which turns any comments into potential rumour mongery etc. That is, what's to stop some random person making claims that they've tried 'Project X' and 'Project X was a pile of poo', leaving everyone else guessing whether they are or not? As Xalion rightly points out, no-one should be leaking any info. If you are round your friends house experiencing Home, your friend is in violation of the ToC - no Beta tester experiences should be being leaked at least if people were to adhere to their contracts!
Regardless, discussion of the current state of Home isn't going to do this thread any favours, so should stop here, with a couple of unconfirmed insiders claiming Home is both a reasonable product and an unstable mess, and the public being none the wiser.