> What's pathetic is the thought that this game looks worse then other GC
> titles.
It doesn't look worse than the worst looking Cube title but it certainly doesn't look as good as the best. Saying that the gfx are "Gamecube-quality" is simply ridiculous trolling.
> anyone that says the game looks worse now then it did on GC is simply
> being fanish. It's the same game.
> it certainly isn't looking any worse than starfox
Sure it isn't...
> Don't think that I don't consider you to be a pom pom waver too.
Right, and you're the very personification of objectivity.
Get over yourself.
Johnny Awesome:
Way to contribute to this thread you sad twit.
> It was posted over and over and over again (and I see Teasy did it yet
> again here), as an unimpeachable proof that MS is not going to get any
> licenses out of this deal. The
> What's pathetic is the thought that this game looks worse then other GC
> titles.
It doesn't look worse than the worst looking Cube title but it certainly doesn't look as good as the best. Saying that the gfx are "Gamecube-quality" is simply ridiculous trolling.
> anyone that says the game looks worse now then it did on GC is simply
> being fanish. It's the same game.
That's Tim Stamper calling you a moron.Has Kameo changed at all from its original conception on GameCube?
Tim Stamper: It's changed since it was last seen, but it hasn't changed just because it's on Xbox. But all the core gameplay elements are definitely still there.
> it certainly isn't looking any worse than starfox

Sure it isn't...
> Don't think that I don't consider you to be a pom pom waver too.
Right, and you're the very personification of objectivity.
Get over yourself.
Johnny Awesome:
Way to contribute to this thread you sad twit.
> It was posted over and over and over again (and I see Teasy did it yet
> again here), as an unimpeachable proof that MS is not going to get any
> licenses out of this deal. The
Nintendo clearly had claims on some of the properties but wasn't interested in them. Now go away.There's been talk of problems with Nintendo over Banjo-Kazooie. What was that all about?
Ed Fries: That was one of the rumours floating around in the last month, that there was some kind of battle between Nintendo and Microsoft over this IP - it actually couldn't be further from the truth. Everything was very straightforward, what it [Nintendo] wanted and what we wanted, and it was sorted out in less than a day. There were many opportunities where Nintendo could have made this difficult, but it was great about it all the way through.