Sony Style has low prices on some of their PS3 Games (lower price will be reflected in cart). Shipping is Free. Thanks ShadowGuard
* The Orange Box $11
* Fallout 3 $33
* Metal Gear Solid 4 $16
* Street Fighter IV $32
* Burnout Paradise $11
* Rise of the Argonauts $32
* Uncharted: Drake's Fortune $32
* WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 Featuring ECW: Collector's Ed $30
* Iron Man $11
* Assasin's Creed $16
* Bioshock $16
* LEGO Batman $11
* Gran Turismo 5 Prologue $16
* More Games
Notable game releases that fall within the sale:
Brutal Legend
Uncharted 2
Demon's Souls
NBA 2K10
NBA Live 10
Wii Sports Resort bundle (w/ two MotionPlus units)
Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition
A Boy and His Blob
The now antiquated, much larger version of the PS3 is now going for a completely reasonable $249 at But wait... there's more!
In addition to being cheaper (and huger!) than the newer, slimmer PS3, the 80GB model up for offer at SonyStyle also throws in a second DualShock 3 controller for free, making this deal even sweeter.