O&O Defragmenter


Anyone use a 3rd party defrag utility? This one sounds pretty neat. I was wondering if anyone has used this program and had noticed any kind of difference with load times with games, or if it lessened hard disk thrashing.
I just downloaded a trial version. Not sure what the limitations are. Anyway, I'm going to try out the COMPLETE/Access filesystem reorganization and defrag and see what it does - if the trial version will let me. The STEALTH mode defrag seems to run very well. It has some very nice options and looks to be well put together.
i tried Diskeeper and O&O at same time.... used one to defrag one partition then scanned with another.... it gave totally different result, like i never defragged....

i guess they all work a bit different and if you go with one... stay with that one....
Well, I've noticed that my system performance is a lot better using O&O than the windows defrag. Never used diskeeper before. I'd recommend O&O, I think.
I used it a few times, it was always much faster than the default win-defragmenter. I've seen no performance difference, though.
_xxx_ said:
I used it a few times, it was always much faster than the default win-defragmenter. I've seen no performance difference, though.

Well, it's not like I'm pushing higher framerates, exactly, but load times are much faster for games like BF2 and Fear. Perhaps it's noticable for me because I only have 512mb of ram, so there's a lot of paging goin' on. I've also noticed that in BF2 a lot of the stuttering I had during gameplay and hard drive thrashing are dramatically reduced. I wouldn't say I'm achieving higher framerates.
I use perfect disk..
Used diskeeper for a bit but found the UI bad and the scheduling confusing- run continues for X amount of time etc.
Still waiting for a WinXP x64 version of PerfectDisk, was using it while under regular WinXP, also tried O&O and Diskeeper, but prefer PerfectDisk (at least it didn't fuck up my partition contrarily to both others).
If you never tried O & O then you should try it.
You can choose what order to put the files on the HD.
Date, modified, name (folders first) or just to a quick defrag.
I download stuff into a folder named X (no its not porn=) then i choose to defrag with names and i get all my download at the end of my drive cuz thats whats changed often.

Its really good!
Matasar said:
If you never tried O & O then you should try it.
You can choose what order to put the files on the HD.
Date, modified, name (folders first) or just to a quick defrag.
I download stuff into a folder named X (no its not porn=) then i choose to defrag with names and i get all my download at the end of my drive cuz thats whats changed often.

Its really good!

That's a nice feature, haven't noticed that since I didn't really bother taking a deeper look.
I use Diskkeeper and it rocks. The screensaver mode defragging is a great idea. Also it has a boot time defrag which I use like once a month after a heavy moving around of files and so on. Also there is a setup where it configures the MFT for max performance. Great tool. I dont know about performance increases just thru the use of Diskkeeper alone but I have a stripped down version of XP so I cant really explain the performance increases well. The stripped down XP is zippy as hell.