
phenix said:
Singing/ I know something Digi dont know. I know something Digi dont know.

Enjoy a double-chuckle by putting "Harmy Davidson" (with quotes) into Google and looking at the site that comes up. :oops:

Nope, I don't know that one...care to share? :|
digitalwanderer said:
phenix said:
Singing/ I know something Digi dont know. I know something Digi dont know.

Enjoy a double-chuckle by putting "Harmy Davidson" (with quotes) into Google and looking at the site that comes up. :oops:

Nope, I don't know that one...care to share? :|

It is kind a stupid really. :oops: There was just this video circuling in the net making fun of Geforce FX dustbuster. In the video there were couple of Nvidia PR guys discussing how to advertise Geforce FXs. Lots of jokes about the cooler's sound etc. It was hilarious I am surprised you skiped it.

One guy in the video actually suggested to call them "Harmy Davidson" refering to Harvey Davidson cycles image of untamed power and noisy engines.

God, it is stupid. It just kind of sticked to my mind. :D
Harley Davidson!

I've never rode a Harley, but I do respect 'em. (I'm not allowed to ride motorcycles, long story.)

Getting this subject back on track, I actually kind of like that plate. I've thought about getting a custom plate a few times before, but with the way I drive I kind of don't want to make it any easier for people to remember/identify me.
('Specially with the Z now, lord I'm scary! :oops: )

If I got one, I'm not sure what it would be. Probably "DUMBLUCK". ;)
digitalwanderer said:
Harley Davidson!

I've never rode a Harley, but I do respect 'em. (I'm not allowed to ride motorcycles, long story.)

What?! You allow your wife to make these kind of rules for you?! How ridiculous and emasculating!! Why, not only am I allowed to own a Harley if I so choose, I can even ride it down to the end of the driveway and back! So there! And it's a pretty long driveway too!!
