NVIDIA's Trump Card

jolle said:
Ardrid said:
jolle said:
UE3 had artifacting? I never noticed, then again the vid is all ive seen and its pretty damn lowres..
where you get that from? never heard it before hehe..


oh.. them..
Sais UT2k4 there tho.. not UE3.0

Wasn't just them. You will find other places that mentioned it. I'm sure some of the cards were fine running at 475mhz perhaps others had issues, hence the 400mhz ultra which was sent to reviewers. Of all the nv40 reviews I only saw one where they got up to 475 with an overclock.

I still seriously doubt that nvidia will up the spec after they sent out review samples, I can't imagine that all those sites are eager to redo their 40+ page reviews. They may release a faster version (6850 or whatever) after a short time, but I'd still take very heavy odds on 6800ultra @400mhz.
jolle said:
Ardrid said:
jolle said:
while on the subject, was the Albatron site numbers brushed off as nonsense?
pretty insane specs if people doubt 475Mhz..

Yeah, I'm thinking so. The funny thing is they still mention 600MHz on their site :)

yeah, they still got 600mhz core and 1Ghz ram on there..
Dunno, they might be smoking something, planning some "out there" watercooled beast, or just mixing things up.. who knows..
but it hasnt been rectified, and its been out there for a while now..

If you look at any mobo's websites, you will notice that the worldwide extensions from the main site take a loooooong time to get updated. But if it makes you feel any better you could always just email them
reever said:
If you look at any mobo's websites, you will notice that the worldwide extensions from the main site take a loooooong time to get updated. But if it makes you feel any better you could always just email them

I actually did just that about 2 wks ago. Haven't heard from them at all.
nah, Im not really putting alot in it, only not rejecting it totally as impossible..
Ill just wait and se how it turns out.. wont afford any of them anyhow.. hehe
So the X800XT and the 6800U should be really close if Nvidia thinks that releasing some cards with a 12.5 core clock increase is worth it.
DaveBaumann said:

An unannounced, unpriced "Uber Ultra 6800" that'll sport a 450MHz Core. We've heard that it'll be a "limited-run" SKU that'll be available through selected System Builders and add-in board makers.

Sounds like an alienware, voodoo pc, special edition. I wonder if that will piss off other oem builders, or will they not care because the 6800ultra was already out of their range.
DaveBaumann said:

An unannounced, unpriced "Uber Ultra 6800" that'll sport a 450MHz Core. We've heard that it'll be a "limited-run" SKU that'll be available through selected System Builders and add-in board makers.

That wouldn't be really new at all - 3dfx did it with Falcon Northwest & V3 3500 already (FNW's "SE" version was clocked 200/200 instead of 183/183) 8)
Just on the NV40 release date thing - the latest edition of Custom PC Mag has a comp to win "the first Geforce 6800 Ultra in the UK," and the closing date is May 29th. So European release date no earlier than start of June?
AlphaWolf said:
jolle said:
Ardrid said:
jolle said:
UE3 had artifacting? I never noticed, then again the vid is all ive seen and its pretty damn lowres..
where you get that from? never heard it before hehe..


oh.. them..
Sais UT2k4 there tho.. not UE3.0

Wasn't just them. You will find other places that mentioned it. I'm sure some of the cards were fine running at 475mhz perhaps others had issues, hence the 400mhz ultra which was sent to reviewers. Of all the nv40 reviews I only saw one where they got up to 475 with an overclock.

I still seriously doubt that nvidia will up the spec after they sent out review samples, I can't imagine that all those sites are eager to redo their 40+ page reviews. They may release a faster version (6850 or whatever) after a short time, but I'd still take very heavy odds on 6800ultra @400mhz.
Why would the (p)review samples affect released clock rates? I can see the PR already - "Our best just got better." It doesn't affect the consumer negatively (unless the card can't reliably operate at the clock rates it ships with).

EDIT: have you considered that the new GT could be the "old" (previewed) Ultra?
radar1200gs said:
Why would the (p)review samples affect released clock rates? I can see the PR already - "Our best just got better." It doesn't affect the consumer negatively (unless the card can't reliably operate at the clock rates it ships with).
Because if nVidia could have made the cards they sent to reviewers run even 1Mhz more they would have, they were going to put their best foot forward for that important first impression.

EDIT: have you considered that the new GT could be the "old" (previewed) Ultra?
Yes, then discounted it. If that's the case, nVidia will be shooting their whole wad before the XT even premieres. (In theory. If this week brings the premiere of the Pro and the XT than I think the GT does in fact stand a very good chance of being that 'old' Ultra)
digitalwanderer said:
radar1200gs said:
Why would the (p)review samples affect released clock rates? I can see the PR already - "Our best just got better." It doesn't affect the consumer negatively (unless the card can't reliably operate at the clock rates it ships with).
Because if nVidia could have made the cards they sent to reviewers run even 1Mhz more they would have, they were going to put their best foot forward for that important first impression.

EDIT: have you considered that the new GT could be the "old" (previewed) Ultra?
Yes, then discounted it. If that's the case, nVidia will be shooting their whole wad before the XT even premieres. (In theory. If this week brings the premiere of the Pro and the XT than I think the GT does in fact stand a very good chance of being that 'old' Ultra)
No, if they wanted to blindside the competition they wouldn't have shown their full hand with preview boards.
radar1200gs said:
No, if they wanted to blindside the competition they wouldn't have shown their full hand with preview boards.
I don't think blindsiding the competition was originally their aim, I think their original aim was to wow the gaming/enthusiast crowd and prove they didn't suck anymore.

For that they needed the biggest bat they had available to 'em at the time and I'm pretty sure they used it.

I could be wrong and you could be right, it's all just speculation and opinion right now. :)
digitalwanderer said:
radar1200gs said:
No, if they wanted to blindside the competition they wouldn't have shown their full hand with preview boards.
I don't think blindsiding the competition was originally their aim, I think their original aim was to wow the gaming/enthusiast crowd and prove they didn't suck anymore.

For that they needed the biggest bat they had available to 'em at the time and I'm pretty sure they used it.

I could be wrong and you could be right, it's all just speculation and opinion right now. :)

Well, considering that Huang's number one priority as CEO is still improving profit margins and net income, it's reasonable to assume that 400 MHz was the sweet spot in terms of performance vs. yields. Increasing clocks significantly will only upset that balance, and it's up to management to decide if they can afford to sacrifice higher margins for more mindshare.
Headstone said:
Does that mean you are speculating ;) that the x800 Pro is faster than the 6800U DW?
Oh most definately.

"OWN!" or "RAPE!" are more the words I'd use to compare 'em, but most definately. 8)
Had a word with someone who's getting a full lineup this week... 6800, 6800 GT, 6800 Ultra (performance is in that order).

I think the Pro and the GT are equivalent in terms of where they fit into the lineup - 6800 Pro might be from a couple of AIBMs only.