Regular have AZDO, is there a real need for yet another ctm api?
From the description it sounds like ADZO tackles one aspect of overhead by addressing command buffer generation, but doesn't address state binding. So ADZO probably leaves some performance on the table that a new CTM API could address.To a degree AZDO is more a solution "around" OpenGL, rather than fixing OpenGL by creating an api that allows fast multithreaded command buffer generation, it provides a way to draw with minimal API/driver intervention.
In a way is a feat of engineering genius, instead of waiting for OpenGL to evolve its multithreading model it found a minimal set of extensions to work around it, on the other hand this probably will further delay the multithreading changes...
Results seem great, the downside of this approach is that all other modern competitors (DirectX12, Mantle, XBox One and PS4 libGNM) allow both to reduce CPU work by offloading state binding to GPU indirection and support fast CPU command buffer generation via multithreading and lower-level concepts, which map to more "conventional" engine pipelines a bit more easily. There is also a question about if the more indirect approach is always the fastest (i.e. when dealing with draws that generate little GPU work) but that's yet up to debate (as AZDO is very new and I'm not aware of comparisons pitting it against the other approach).
If Khronos is slow to evolve OpenGL and not willing to sacrifice compatibility for CAD makers and other parties, in an idealized world it would be nice if nVidia would write a new, clean, modern API in a manner that is familiar to OpenGL developers to allow quick transition, but has low CPU overhead and is GPU efficient as well as being cross-platform and cross-vendor and force their hand by publicly giving it to Khronos for standardization as say OpenGL CTM and seeing how they respond. Of course, that's kind of like what Mantle is, but it may be easier to convince AMD and Intel to adopt a nVidia designed spec than nVida to adopt an AMD designed spec.