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GTX 1060 “SLI” Benchmark – Outperforms GTX 1080 with Explicit Multi-GPU
https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/di...rectx-12-multigpu-and-a-peek-into-the-future/Here’s the actual data for 3 resolutions across one high end board from both AMD and NVIDIA. These charts show both the minimum and maximum scaling benefit an AMD or NVIDIA user with DX12 can expect over DX11, at each resolution.
The data shows that DX11 scaling does exist but at both 1080 and 1440, DX12 achieves better scaling than DX11. Not only does DX12 have an extremely good maximum scaling factor win over DX11, it also shows that the minimum scaling factor is also above the DX11 minimum scaling factor. Explicit DX12 mGPU in this game is just uncompromisingly better at those resolutions.
At 4k, you can see that we are essentially close to parity, within error tolerance. What’s not immediately clear is that DX12 retains potential wins over DX11 here. There are even more hidden wins not expressed by the data and it has to do with more unrealized CPU potential that game developers can take advantage of. The next section in this post will describe both how game developers can extract even more performance from these unrealized gains and why 4k does not show the same scaling benefits as lower resolutions in this title.