NVIDIA Kepler speculation thread

What has HD4890 got to do with anything? And how the hell is 850MHz "in that range" when G80's hot clock is 1350MHz.

HD2900XT ran at 725MHz.

Before G80 NVidia was at parity.

Huh? 850Mhz is very much in the range of Tahiti at 925Mhz. G80 at 575Mhz is a bit off of GK104 at 1000Mhz!

What exactly did you mean by "the same can be said for AMD"?

People will bitch, maybe no on B3D as this is Nvidia territory.

last 14hr:53mins:49secs
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If only they saw fit to specify which TZ that 2PM time is in :)

[edit: apparently 6AM and some other event at noon PDT, if H is to be believed.]


Launch is supposed to be 14:00:00 according to local time for Stockholm(it's 22:32 atm).. it was rumored to be PT 6AM earlier it fits nicely i guess..
I got leaked material of GTX 680 running SW:TOR!

The video shows clearly how GPU Boost is better than actually advertised, it can also scale back details & resolution if the card would otherwise draw too much power!

TIP: All oldtimers have a "Join Date" of Feb 2002 even though many of us were here back in B3Ds very early days (99?? 98??) although the big influx from USENET was 2000 I believe. The 2002 join date was a server crashed that killed the database.
Not true at all, at least I lurked a long time before registering ;)
(yes, I'm also one of the 3dfx-refugees)
Not true at all, at least I lurked a long time before registering ;)
(yes, I'm also one of the 3dfx-refugees)

Sorry, no credit for lurking :) - but three extra gold stars for being a 3dfx USENETer.

Awesome video, BTW. Makes me want a 680 even MORE! :)

and based on the benchmarks leaked so far a single 680 is still slower than 2x 580s so 3x 580s...well...
charlie said:
I was at GDC, I talked to Tim and Andrew at the end, and tried to do a story on it. They couldn't mainly due to NDAs, and thus couldn't talk about the specifics of any hardware, but they could talk a little about how the demo worked.

That said, it really does run ~3x as fast on GK104, but the part is not 3x faster in any way. Removing specific bottlenecks (that they didn't name) could well account for the increase.

one can wonder what would be if Epic removed specific bottlenecks for 3xGTX580 system, maybe 2 of them could be more than enough :p
SimBy said:
As stupid and gimmicky as GPU boost seems, any bets we will see it in HD8000 series?
With the limited amount of info available, I don't see how GPU Boost differs from PowerTune? (Except, as noted by someone earlier, marketed in a much cleverer way: turn a negative message of 'reduce clocks' into a positive one 'free perf!')
Huh? 850Mhz is very much in the range of Tahiti at 925Mhz. G80 at 575Mhz is a bit off of GK104 at 1000Mhz!
Seriously, so what? Both IHVs increased their clocks since the start of D3D10 (well, since forever). Of course GK104 is higher-clocked, the per-mm²-efficient ALUs require a high base clock, but not a hot-clock. A "big jump" is simply a side-effect of this different architecture.

What exactly did you mean by "the same can be said for AMD"?
1GHz for non-hot-clocked chips is "normal" judging by the hardware that's here or launching. We're now back to parity like we were before G80 launched.

You appear to be trying to say that 28nm is the reason the Kepler clock can be "close to G80's hot-clock" (not that close). What we're actually seeing is parity between AMD and NVidia GPU clocks, like there was back in the mists of time.

Successive nodes have gone hand in hand with increased clocks over the history of GPUs. There's no evidence that NVidia couldn't have built Kepler style ALUs on a ~700MHz capable node for G80's launch window.

(If there's some fancy software/compilation required to make Kepler ALUs work, then that's a different question - if Kepler is a step towards the apparent compilation complexity of Maxwell, then one might argue that hurdle is the reason Kepler's ALU layout would have been too risky back then.)
I got leaked material of GTX 680 running SW:TOR!

The video shows clearly how GPU Boost is better than actually advertised, it can also scale back details & resolution if the card would otherwise draw too much power!

Not true at all, at least I lurked a long time before registering ;)
(yes, I'm also one of the 3dfx-refugees)

I don't know if I should be proud or ashamed that, even with the blurring and 10 years later, I'm pretty sure I recognize the first mission of Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast.
I don't know if I should be proud or ashamed that, even with the blurring and 10 years later, I'm pretty sure I recognize the first mission of Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast.

Ashamed of one of the best games in PC history? You gotta be kidding. I recognized it instantly too :cool: