Nvidia helping Sony with Graphics synthesizer 3.

When I meant this picture could be done PC-Engine, I meant IN GAME, like actually playing.

Not some stupid tech demo. Oh and FYI the Nvidia dawn demo doesn't compare to the old man pic above, similar? Yes, however look at the details in that old mans face.
Paul said:
When I meant this picture could be done PC-Engine, I meant IN GAME, like actually playing.

Not some stupid tech demo. Oh and FYI the Nvidia dawn demo doesn't compare to the old man pic above, similar? Yes, however look at the details in that old mans face.

Do you know what LOD is? Do you know what tesselation is? Apparently not. BTW it's arguable whether one is more technically better than the other. Unless you created the models youself, you don't know squat about it's complexity ;)

Neck down the old man looks pretty mediocre.

Take a game like HL2 that's not even pushing the bleeding edge of PC graphics and limit the engine to one or two characters onscreen at a time and you can have the same amount of detail like that picture when up close. Better yet use a game engine like SH3 that cleverly HIDEs popup then use that saved processing power to add more detail to the models up close. When far away use LOD or tesselate ;)
I don't give a shit if the people are using more advanced techniques to make it, that's irrelevant. What matters is how it looks in the end right? And the dawn demo, doesn't compare to the render I posted up.

We should compare both the faces, since we have excellent pictures of that part of each right? Well the old man just takes Dawn down visually, looks more realistic all the detail, sweat everything. Dawn comes close, this render just takes it down.
Paul said:
I don't give a shit if the people are using more advanced techniques to make it, that's irrelevant. What matters is how it looks in the end right? And the dawn demo, doesn't compare to the render I posted up.

We should compare both the faces, since we have excellent pictures of that part of each right? Well the old man just takes Dawn down visually, looks more realistic all the detail, sweat everything. Dawn comes close, this render just takes it down.

Umm..that's your opinion. It doesn't take down anything. Dawn is not an old lady :LOL:

I hope you realize there is no point in using that level of detail when the model is not up close ;)
I fail to see how anyone can think the face of dawn looks more realistic than the face of that old man..
PC-Engine said:
Do you know what LOD is? Do you know what tesselation is? Apparently not.

I do.

Take a game like HL2 that's not even pushing the bleeding edge of PC graphics and limit the engine to one or two characters onscreen at a time and you can have the same amount of detail like that picture when up close.


One visable character NOT in a game world, yet this looks like utter poop in comperson.

Maybe if they'd only use that "tesselation" you like to talk about a bit more... :rolleyes:

Better yet use a game engine like SH3 that cleverly HIDEs popup then use that saved processing power to add more detail to the models up close. When far away use LOD or tesselate ;)

Is HIDEs a new algorithm I'm not familiar with? Because otherwise this sounds pretty obtuse.

Every game by a decent developing house uses some form of occlusion detection and LoD. Hardware has been doing this for years, Intel tried to commercialize it with MRM, it's hardly anything that you can point at and say is new or that radical as you think you are.

*What you didn't think of (not that it surprises me) is that if you can use that "LoD" and "tesselation" that we don't know about on todays games to produce superior visuals... what could you do using that picture level models and an effecient LoD system? Maybe 20X more polygons on near viewpoint characters? Or perhaps a level filled with visalble models of that level?
The closeup models in HL2 are not at the same detail level as the old man because there is a point when the developers say, this is good enough for what we're trying to do here and we don't want to spend anymore man hours on adding more realistic artwork to this model. I think Valve is happy with the balance that they've achieved with HL2. Nobody seems to be complaining about HL2's not realistic enough character models ;)

Why do you think some games have better ingame models than other games on the same platform??? The hardware is not the limiting factor, which is why the best PC hardware isn't being utilised to the fullest extent.

BTW, if there was a feature in SH3 where one could turn on the lights, you would see horizon gnomes a mere yards away. :LOL:
They really over did the eyes on the HL models :? They all look like they just smoked a big spliff and loaded up on eye drops heh.