Nvidia helping Sony with Graphics synthesizer 3.

I guess that the IBM/Toshiba/Sony joint project is something exclusively for these three companies... after all, what did Nvidia invest? 0$? ;)
I'll be happy as a clam, too. Despite that, there will always be "that group" that will see the PS3 thing as an "utter failure" or "flawed architecture" if it misses the mark on delivering seemingly 1000x the polygon output or something of that nature. Sometimes you just want to tell those people to get a freakin' grip and just enjoy the games (with a "mere" 300x the PS2 polys, nonetheless), but alas, they simply cannot be "reached".
if PS3 has 250-300x the raw performance of PS2 (FP power, polygons) and you combine that with PS3 being several times more efficient than PS2, then you might have the '1000x PS2 power' (or more) ...

PS3 should be more efficient/more powerful than PS2 clock for clock or for any given level floating point power (ok that does not the best way to say it) because of:

*lots of eDRAM and plenty of cache for the CPU
*better bus architecture
*more integer power

in a nutshell, PS3 should be capable of utilizing more of its power than PS2 was. that with the greatly improve integer performance and programmable APUs in the graphics pipeline, rasterizing features (Nvidia)
should give a 1000x improvement over PS2. if not at least 500x :) which will be really, really nice. correct me if I am wrong here.
I think the big jump from PS2 to PS3 will be that a huge amount of computing power will be realised with a lot less effort. No more tuning everything, you'll just have lots of code -- threaded of course -- and it'll have lots of processing power to gobble up.
How will this increase in power affect....

1) Manpower??
2) Game development duration??

I guess next gen will generate more job opportunities for coders/testers/artists/etc.....budgets will rise....
The beauty of all this power is that the dev can do less and rely on procedural effects to do what they usually had to do with polygon/texture/rendering wizardry/hackery.

This is what's quite nice about Doom III, gone are the days where incredibly high res textures and super high poly counts are needed to get great visuals, you can use a lot of procedural stuff and the final product ends up looking really good. You want to reduce content creation time, this is important. Now we just have to wait for about 2-3 years till Doom III graphics can be applied to a large areas and run at a reasonable framerate.

The shift to procedural is inevitable, throwing artists/special purpose code at a problem is a waste of time/money.
PS3 should have more than enough power to do DOOM III with the highresolution/highpolygon source art with 500,000 poly models that was scaled down to 5,000 poly models or so, for realtime on PC :D
not that you NEED 500k poly models. you can get away with 50k poly models and still have everything look extremely nice with all the lighting and shadowing DOOM III does.
yeah, of course PS3 could do DOOM 3 with out a sweat. it could do it with one Processing Element instead of four and one Pixel Engine. LoL.

What I was saying was, PS3 could do the DOOM III high res/ high poly source material (500k - 1M poly models) used to create the low poly PC models from. the high res material could not run realtime on PCs with todays gfx cards, but PS3 could do it easily at 60FPS.
yeah, f course PS3 could do DOOM 3 with out a sweat. it could do it with one Processing Element instead of four and one Pixel Engine. LoL.

What I was saying was, PS3 could do the DOOM III high res/ high poly source material (500k - 1M poly models) used to create the low poly PC models from. the high res material could not run realtime on PCs with todays gfx cards, but PS3 could do it easily at 60FPS.

Not to be mean, but it sounds like you're talking out of your ass. I'm not seeing any thing to support claims, merely claims that really don't follow from any demonstrated reasoning.
Wouldn't that be a hoot, though?!

Of course somebody would still need to totally rewrite the code to work on an architecture that isn't an x86 PC. I don't think anybody is up for doing that, unfortunately. ...but maybe we should be so lucky as to get a Doom III knock-off?
Not to be mean, but it sounds like you're talking out of your ass. I'm not seeing any thing to support claims, merely claims that really don't follow from any demonstrated reasoning.

what I am saying simply is, PS3 should be powerful enough to have serveral superhigh polygon models on screen with the lighting and shadowing that DOOM3 uses. I am not claiming any exact performance figures for PS3 since I obviously don't know exactly what it will be capable of. but in general, PS3 should be capable of running the high res / high polygon source art of doom3. with PS3's expected 1TFLOPs or more performance which should allow for several billion polygons/sec (R350 gets 350M peak) it should be able to run DOOM3's high polygon art that is not possible on PCs.

anyone disagree?

of course if PS3 architecture is some disastereous failure, then perhaps it won't, but.... we shall see.