pcinlife speculates that the upcoming GTX495 is cheaper than a HD5970, coming int at around €400.
Bad Photshoppery is Bad
400€ sounds like a great price. It also sounds reasonable, since I don't see the reason why it should cost more than two 460s in the first place. Maybe the chips are finer binned if they use full GF104, but we don't know that. Still, binning does not cost anything, right?
Anyway, regarding the "GTX 495" I was wondering of the following:
1) Will it have 1GB or 768MBs?
2) What is more probable, full GF104s or standard GF104s? I guess full GF104s would mean 2X1GBs.
3) Is it possible that Nvidia will implement some sort of Optimus technology in their GTX 495s, so they keep the card's idle power consumption to a bare minimum?
...and one more driver related really...
4) Is Nvidia's driver capable to let you use just one gpu in a quad sli setup? When you disable SLI what happens?
5) Would a GTX 460 1GB + GTX 495 Tri SLI setup would be possible, if the GTX 495 had 2X1gbs and "standard GF104s"?