I can think of a few worse cases. NV win and upset Arm who now lose a bunch of income from there GPU License who no one wants to use any more due to paying extra for it. Arm cancel the CPU license NV have which kills Tegra. Unlikely but possible. Even if NV lose what if they upset ARM enough to cancel the license? Or if not cancel it not license any new CPU tech with NV.From a purely strategic PoV, what does Nvidia lose by pursuing this?
Worst case scenario: No case to answer, they're out legal fees, and the patents aren't used for further litigation.
Another option the mobile worlds stick a finger up at NV and moves towards ray tracing GPU’s faster then expected to avoid paying extra to NV. Ray tracing chips I believe wouldn't be covered by the NV patents in the case. Then the mobile world all stop doing business with NV. My seem far fetched but if the case drags out a few years wouldn't ray tracing mobile GPUs be near or here already?
Or if I really dream the courts decide in fact the PowerVR’s patents hold and predates NV. So NV own money and back payments for the past decade worth of desktop GPUs. Unlikely but who knows what will happen.