NV35 confirmed to have 8 pipes or not?

micron said:
Thanx RoOobo ;) Eight pipe or not, I'm scared for ATi...256bit.... 2.2ns memory at 900mhz....man!. How do you suppose the fillrate of this card will compare to ATi's best?

Not to mention OGMS... ;)

I bet it will kill the R300. :LOL:
Uttar said:
The NV30 is:
4FP ops/clock OR 8TEX ops/clock
8FX ops/clock
4 color outputs/clock

I think the NV35 is:
4FP ops/clock
8TEX ops/clock
8FX ops/clock
8 color outputs/clock

i can't see much reason in doubling the number of color outputs while keeping the number of FP units the same. first, because NV30 has pretty decent FX-based performance even with 4 color outputs. second, the doubling of color outputs would do zilch for the FP-based performance w/o a proportional increase in FP power. of course, the making of FP and TEX ops independent does increase the FP performance, but only regarding the worst case, i.e. it affects cases with non-hidden TEX ops, whereas an intensive PS2.0 shader w/ little-or-hidden TEX ops would get zero boost from the doubling of color outputs.
darkblu said:
i can't see much reason in doubling the number of color outputs while keeping the number of FP units the same. first, because NV30 has pretty decent FX-based performance even with 4 color outputs. second, the doubling of color outputs would do zilch for the FP-based performance w/o a proportional increase in FP power. of course, the making of FP and TEX ops independent does increase the FP performance, but only regarding the worst case, i.e. it affects cases with non-hidden TEX ops, whereas an intensive PS2.0 shader w/ little-or-hidden TEX ops would get zero boost from the doubling of color outputs.

Having 8 color outputs is very useful when you aren't doing any FP work in a shader ( such as when using PS1.3. )
Of course, beside that, it's completely useless. But remember a lot of current games use that ( and it would then look as a true 8 pipes architecture ) , and I'd bet quite a few ones are going to do that for part of the scene ( does basic portions of the scene really need FP? Well, generally not, IMO - I did not say always, though )

And even more important. The reviews. Double the theorical fillrate IS worth it! :)

Tagrineth said:
It'll take at least 2-3 generations of full honesty before anyone here believes anything said about nV's cores without heavy testing to be sure about it...
I don't think anyone gets a free pass on features anymore, especially given the sheer number of quality fansites testing hardware. After Xabre and the FX, I'm sure the previously assumed "trust but verify" is now set in stone. :)
Pete said:
Tagrineth said:
It'll take at least 2-3 generations of full honesty before anyone here believes anything said about nV's cores without heavy testing to be sure about it...
I don't think anyone gets a free pass on features anymore, especially given the sheer number of quality fansites testing hardware. After Xabre and the FX, I'm sure the previously assumed "trust but verify" is now set in stone. :)

Yes but now people are going to pick future nVidia cores to death.

I don't see many people analysing Kyro II or R300 to death.

The only things over-analysed about R300 are the AA/AF sampling, and the drivers. :)
Well, there aren't as many secrets with other cores...or, if there are, they are indeed picked apart. Has there been another core with as many thing buried and distorted as the nv30?
Kyro II's a bit old...I think a new "Kyro" would indeed prompt a lot of examination and discussion. *sigh* If only someone would release something like that.... :(

Oh, back to topic...Here are my prior comments on the nv35, which I think is pertinent to some of the comments here.
Having 8 color outputs means everything-just look at the reaction caused by the fact that nv30 can`t do that ;) BUT-the nv35 holds some surprises-after all, it is the first NV product that has to fight a bitter battle for his throne in a long time.Some you will find to be...interesting :!:
Antlers said:
The continuing ambiguity persuades me that it's a four (pixel) pipe card

Mummy said:
I wouldn't bet on 8 pipes, the way i see NV35 is just a fixed and improved NV30, ie. probably better shader performance, 256bit bus, no dustbuster, but still crappy AA, 4 pipes and so on.

IMO, two of the most sensible, and likely, comments in thread...;)