pax said:We got the Ayatollahs BECAUSE of the Shah and his abuses and our support for the overthrow of duly elected Mossadegh. And demo coups and the cia and general western support for such isnt the product of left wing nut conspiracy theories its the common history and behavior of the 20th century. Try reading up on it a bit.
No pax, there have been direct examples of the CIA pumping massive money, arms, and training to arrange a coup (Iran took more than one try). But because of that history, every coup or loss of a leftwing candidate is now proposed as a CIA plot. That's the indymedia leftwing nuts. E.g. Chavez's troubles are merely the result of a CIA plot, and not his behavior. If millions are protesting Chavez in the streets, these are obviously CIA bought mobs like in Iran?
The massive dissatisfication with the government in Tehran is not the result of CIA funding subversion, and any coming coup is more likely to be the result of reformist plotters. But the Tehran government blames anything and everything on the CIA. For example, the massive student protests that happened for a whole week? A CIA organized event.
Havent you ever wondered that a secret agency as the CIA still manages to make public its involvement with several of the coups that occured in the 20th cent? I mean it IS supposed to be a secretive agency isnt it? So by that definition shouldnt MOST coups have little or no indication that the cia was involved? Tip of the iceberg...
Conspiracy nut thinking. Oh, we only know about a few high-tech aircraft from PhantomWorks/Skunk Works. Since most government projects in the military are secret, tip of the iceberg... they must have StarShips by now!
Too much credit is given to the CIA. The CIA clandestine service has been mostly a dismal failure over the last 50 years. Their few successes become legendary and the basis for assigning all-knowing-all-controlling status. They were unable to penetrate the upper levels of the Soviets, Chinese, or North Koreans, unlike the levels of success the KGB had against US and NK against SK and Japan. The service consists of mostly fake diplomats who attend cocktail parties, and pay slush funds to people claiming to have information, often which is of dubious quality. It is a shadow of it's pre-1970s self.
Any hand that the CIA would have in an Iranian coup would be more or less giving some money and intelligence to reformists (who are the popular ELECTED representatives of the country) and possibly some veiled threats to the military that a violent represession would bring about a US conventional attack, to stop the military from cracking down.
The nature of what's going in on Iran now is completely different than what happened in the 50s and 60s. The US isn't "installing" anyone, they are providing assistance to democratic movements just like NGOs who funnel money into grassroot groups.
For example, if the US carpet bombed North Korea with mini-satellite dishes and radios so every NK citizen could see what the outside world is like, and then if those people decides to revolt, do you really think this is the same as a direct CIA intervention where they send in paramilitary advisers, buy stinger missiles and ak-47s for people, and install a rushless "king" or dictator?