Keep reading... the 2nd page says there were large reinvestments in infrastructure starting in 1999-2000 by the chavez gov...
Edit actually the link is the 2nd page sorry... Tho cant find many hard numbers but the article has references to large scale investments in 2001 after years of stagnation...
"Political turmoil, corruption and large-scale fiscal deficits, have led to a reduction in infrastructure spending in recent decades. Infrastructure investments were traditionally the first area to be chopped from the budget when the government couldn't pay the bills. Social housing, road upgrading and cancellation of projects that could help boost tourism and commerce were cancelled as government struggled to pay workers and keep the IMF from the door. In an effort to reverse the situation infrastructure in 2001 will receive over a billion dollars in direct funding as the government looks to deal with a huge housing crisis and finalizes highway and railroad projects, long placed on the back burner."
" infrastructure has become the 'raison d'être' of the new Chavez administration"
"In 2000, the first step in the ambitious program was initiated with the government building 70,000 low cost houses on large estates with a budget of $1 billion. "
And interestingly: "Deregulation across the gas, telecoms and electricity sectors in 2001 and government budgets putting aside billions of dollars in kick start money, private companies now have greater opportunities. "
"In some of the reconstruction, the private sector will have to be involved. The government expects to put in $1 billion while the private sector should invest around $ 43 billion,"
that last one in ref to the tourism industry... not bad for a commie. He was doing everything he can to get private enterprise to get off the ground... a fundamental to ween the country off oil.
Went to rotten tomatoes looking for info on the rev wont be televisd... only one rotten and no mention of manipulation or distorted facts...