Willmeister said:The West will never, ever, give up WMD and will always take steps to maintain their monopoly on state violence. That's why Israel struck Iraq's programme in the early 1980s so as to ensure their monopoly on violence is maintained. What would happen suddenly if Israel was no longer the only power in the region with nukes? Suddenly, they're going to have to stop invading, siezing and otherwise stop being the regional bully.
london-boy said:Exactly
I am trying very hard to come up with a response that is not rude.
Lets see saddam invaded Kuwait, but that isn't state violence, he killed 100s of thousands of people but that is state love. NK is actively starving and repressing its people thru violence, but it is just friendliness. Look at the genocides in Africa, to even imply you need WMD's for state violence is so incredibly stupid that I am awestruck any coherent person would say it.
London-boy, quite simply you are wrong. Sorry but that is all there is.
If you get rid of WMD's then western countries would need to spend thousands of times the current amount on national defense to have a credible deterent to a country dropping a nuke on them. And well we don't have thousands of times the money to spend. That is all there is to it. If you want to talk of decreasing stockpiles then fine, we certainly don't need as many as we have. If relatively stable democracies did not hae WMD's and rogue states did the world would have fallen into chaos already.
edit: changed drop WMD program, to get rid of them, droping can be confusing.