They don't need anything revolutionary, the normal evolution of technology will EOL current consoles in the near future. My laptop will kick the crap out of a console in performance, runs for about 2 hours off of battery, but I can plug it in and still use it. It won't be that long before that much power is in a more portable device with a longer battery life.
I simply do not agree with this assessment. We'll have to agree to disagree here.
You seem to be operating under the delusion that what you can get on your phone won't ever exceed what you can get on a console, it will. Probably not before MS and Sony actually launch a new product, because they aren't stupid. You don't wait for the threat to hit the market and build momentum before you try to deal with it. That time might be too late.
I'm arguing that it won't any time in the near future and that it does not represent a current threat to the current console ecosystem based on power alone. I feel like you and I are simply not having the same argument here.
Wrong. Investors (major shareholders) are very growth driven. They want to hear about expanding markets and growth in revenue. They'll be much more tolerant of a negative balance sheet than a receding revenue base. Yes they want a positive bottom line as well, but if they see negative growth they are going to be electing new board members shortly. Look at a company like RIM which hasn't posted a negative quarter in forever, but their market share is threatened so their stock prices have plummeted and their CEO's were forced out.
Except that all of these companies are in many more businesses than just gaming. And the vast majority of their revenue comes from sales of games, not sales of hardware. That's why hardware sales are immaterial.
YOU'RE IN AN NPD THREAD, try looking in their press releases.
Which tells us exactly zero about how profitable the XBox or Playstation divisions of MS and Sony are.