I highly doubt it's going to lead to Nintendo not raking in buckets of cash in 5 years however.
I'll be interested to see if they can turn WiiU into an ATM machine too, but from what I see of the system and what I expect to see for competition, I don't think that's going to be the case.
As for people predicting the death of Nintendo, I can't speak for others, but I certainly did not expect Nintendo to fail with GC, or Wii. In fact, I started a predict thread and forecast near parity by 2010 as I figured the novel interface would draw in non-gamers and that would offset the core gamers heading to Sony/MS.
The reason I'm not projecting success for WiiU is their novel interface has been trumped by both MS and Sony. This forced Nintendo to try and think of another novel interface (why they refused to go head to head on NG spec is beyond me,
they had the R&D funds), and the fools decided to copy devices which are already selling gangbusters, thus nullifying any perceived unique advantage.
They would have been better off making a deal with Apple and becoming an exclusive IOS developer.
And considering that most people get their Xbox Live Gold subs through the gold card, then obviously MS isn't making anywhere near 50 USD per XB Live Gold member. I'd predict that on average they make 25-30 USD per year per Gold membership, perhaps a little more. And considering much of that has to go towards operating expenses and licensing fees for some of the services offered it's impossible to know how much of that is actually profit.
The actual numbers aren't all that important.
What is important is that the sum is substantial, growing and important enough not to risk losing.
That process will accelerate if there's an upgrade path (either direct or via competitor). Wii's downturn for example is probably greatly accelerated by the appearance of Kinect for X360. If not for that I think we'd see a far more gradual decline of hardware and software sales for the platform.
I just ran the numbers on this as I was curious what impact Kinect and Move have had on Wii sales as well.
12months prior to Kinect/Move launch,
XB260 7.03m
PS3 5.19m
Wii 9.78m
12 months after Kinect/Move launch,
XB360 8.77m
PS3 5.31m
Wii 7.10m
So Wii deficit 2.67m
PS3+XB360 gain 1.85m
Of course we assume based on Dec sales that Wii sales had started declining prior to this and xb360/ps3 sales were on the upswing so it may just be a coincidental match.
However, looking at the 12month data from November to November in sequential years prior to Kinect, Wii was selling roughly 10million a year for 36 months straight (10.3m, 9.9m, 9.8m).
In that same stretch, PS3 gained slightly year on year (4.08m, 4.08m, 5.19m)
Xb360 (5.32m, 5.74m, 7.03m)
So it could be that Wii buyers were suddenly uninterested in Wii after Kinect came out as the sales drop-off is dramatic and does coincide with the time period, but the sales upswing isn't directly related to Kinect and the increase does not directly match the decrease.
Further research with software sales could bring more clarity to this issue.