Most publishers are'nt botherin with GBA huh? Cause the market is so saturated with games? Man that's a bit of an oxymoron is'nt it.
Not at all. There's so many GBA game alredy out there that it's incresingly difficult for a new GBA title to come out and make a decent profit. Specifically when that title isn't something made by nintendo, and doesn't have a worth while license (Like spider man or the hulk). That's why you see so few new and oringinal titles these days on GBA because nobody wants to pick those up.
I've a total 3D version of "state of emergency running on the GBA that was greatly improved from previous versions and Rockstar still didn't want to pickit up.
The GBA has a ton of publishers..why do you think the market is so saturated? Only one I can think of is Eidos cause they want to make cell phone games.
A ton of publishers tha thave RECENTLY released a game? I think not... Guess who makes the most GBA titles next to nintendo? I bet you didn't know it was THQ.
Anyways 201,000 + units per 3rd party title on GBA is'nt anything to scoff at.
And that's spread across how GBA many titles?
You want to see a "saturated market" look no further than PS2. Take out Take Two and EA from that 1,292,000 PS2 figure and you'd get a hella lot lower "3rd party" number than that.
Ah that's BS, I'm talking about the number of games coming out today, I'm not including all the previous released games. PS2 is a totally different story this year. They are only taking about 250 games for release, so they are turning stuff away right and left. Sorry, but you CAN'T take out take two and EA.
And about "big license like a mario, movie or comic" only selling on GBA. That can also be said about ALL current systems. Hmm PS2..Madden. Lord Of The Rings, Tony Hawk, GTA, GTVC. DBZ, etc. GBA has had games like Sonic, Advance Wars, Hamtaro etc do pretty well. And these were pre SP.
Same on console can be said to an extent, but you're always seeing oringinal games on consles these days and some of them sell a lot of copies or at least enough to make a profit. That however can't be said about oringinal GBA titles. Keep in mind tha tmost of the gba titles out there are either liceses or a rehash form teh 16 bit era (snes - genesis)
If Sony can court developers with the semi skewed 1.29 m 3rd party units number than Nintendo surely can say to 3rd parties "hey here is what deving for both Nintendo machines can yield for you. 300,000 units. Mr. Publisher you want to make a GCN about sticking 5 or 6 guys on a GBA version for about 4 to 6 months and we'll cut you a deal on both royalties..and 300,000 units sold is what you could sell." That's leverage. And so far it's worked.
I think you have a skewed perception of how things actually work. For one thing, sony doesn't have to court developers, and if they do it's with cold hard cash. The publishers out there demand products on PS2 form developers because it's user base is so high. The numbers speak for themselves. Nintendo doesn't actually "court" publishers either. They don't even cut deals on royaltees. The idea behind the GBA connectivity thing is that one version will possibly make the gamer want the other version (increasing your revenue). However so far, that hasn't worked for any title but nintendo's.