Not sure if I will have my ass kick for this but...


Retarded moron
How would I get VC++ 6 to debug like Borland C++ builder 1 does?

What I mean is if an error is encountered, that it highlights the line with the error after taking me to the page.

I have not used VC++ much, I have been so used to DecC++ and Borland C++.

Please don't kill me if this is the wrong forum. Thanks
You mean while compiling?

Just double-click the error in the output window, it should take you to the right file/line
you would not believe how much time I spent with that problem.. trying to figure out how to put line numbers in the margins.. banging my head for hours.. hmm, what if I just double clicked on the error message.. doh.
Something that you can do to put messages into your build to remind you that a function is not implemented for example is to use
#pragma message("Your message here")

You can extend that so that you can click on the message like a build error by doing some defines

#define __LOC__ __FILE__ "("__STR1__(__LINE__)") : Warning Msg: "
#define __STR2__(x) #x
#define __STR1__(x) __STR2__(x)

and then your warning message becomes
#pragma message ( __LOC__"Sense Functions not implemented" )

Note that their is no ; as these are preprocessor directives.
Basically you are defining a macro called __LOC__ which uses two build int preprocessor macros called __FILE__ and __LINE__ to construct a string which is in the same format as warning messages

Have fun ;-)

antlers4 said:
You mean while compiling?

Just double-click the error in the output window, it should take you to the right file/line

Or just press F4.
Pressing multiple times cycles through all the errors.
Well the big advantage of Borland C++ is the much more productive form editor.
It's not useful for a full screen application, but when you want to do a windowed one like our level editor, it comes handy.
We tried to compile our code with BC++ but it couldn't handle some ANSI C++ features. It has an ANSI compatibility option though. To bad it wasn't able to compile it's own headers with it...

VC 6 is not the best in ANSI compatibility, but it's way better.
As for VC 7 - it would be the best compiler - but the user interface is plain unusable (missing key features that VC 6 had, has showstopper bugs).

So far we stuck with VC 6.
pcchen said:
In which way BCB 6 is better than VC++ for game developers?

Probably no difference whatsoever. I've never written a game so I'm not really qualified to say.

Luke Philpot said:
The question is... why use Borland C++ Builder 6 when you can use VC++?

Hyp-X answered for me
Well the big advantage of Borland C++ is the much more productive form editor.

I guess its just personal preference really, I just find Borland much, much nicer to use. Oh, and it doesn't fill your files with commented out lines which you mustn't touch and you'd really rather not see!
No, it's not just personal preference. I believe that most game developers use VC++ instead of BCB. Furthermore, as with Hyp-X, I had some bad experiences with BCB...
If you benchmark the compiled code each produces you'll find there's a very good reason why you should be using MS VC, well for anything thats CPU bound that is (it used to be a substantial margin, no idea if borland have gotten any better)...