No MS handheld console?


It doesn't seem likely after their corporate VP for retail sales and marketing (Peter Moore) has said this:

Asked if Microsoft was planning its own entry into handheld gaming, following the revelation of the PlayStation Portable at E3, Moore told us: 'We're not in that business and there are no plans to be in that business right now.'

Explaining this stance, he added: 'If I believe, which I do, in the social aspects of gaming, at the furthest end of the gaming spectrum against that is handheld gaming, because that's a very solitary, time-killing activity.

'It's not something you share - we believe that the future is the social element of gaming, and that's going to be done through a console, not through a handheld gaming device.'

What are everyone's thoughts on this?
I think they've already been greatly humbled by Sony in thier successful/failed (pick one or both) console attempt. Investors would be crying big time if MS bleeds anymore money out besides the drain that is XB.

Sony's PR is gonna put PSP on everything in late 2004. MS would have to devote alot of time, $$ and resources to match what PSP will be. I see MS being conservative the next go round with XB2. And trying to recoupe some money they've poured out fighting for 2nd and 3rd place worldwide this current generation. OS is still the preferred market for MS..not handhelds.
WHY couldnt a handheld be a multiplayer experience?

i mean, one day we will have networked handhelds, so that argument is pretty mute...

still, do we REALLY want MS to get into the handheld market as well?
Wireless multiplayer + wireless internet via handheld console 8)
I don't really think MS can make batteries good enough for a decent handheld :/ (so that they can compete in time)
Buying custom Lithium-ion batteries is not a big deal.

Nintendo and Sony have a huge advantage over m$, easy access to a library of games which are trivial to port. As I said before, m$ should get together with Sega on this. Dreamcast is perfect for a portable.
MS isn't going to buy Sega for Treamcast (it's even not a handheld)
VMU like things are patented by Sega, so there goes the handheld in controller idea :LOL:
MS is definitly going portable at some time.
Portable gaming is social, I only play on my GBA when linked, so that is an argument of nothing.

When Microsoft sees that the connection with the home-console is getting popular (in time it will), they will put a portable Xbox on the market in no-time. Ofcourse, only when Xbox is making a profit...
MS isn't going to buy Sega for Treamcast (it's even not a handheld)

He didn't say buy Sega and also he didn't mention Treamcast, Treamcast isn't even made by Sega. He means they should get together with Sega and develop a handheld from Dreamcast tech. Although since Dreamcast is PowerVR based MS/Sega might as well just get together with IMGTEC and use PowerVR MBX.

MS could use PowerVR Series 9 in XBox 2 and PowerVR MBX in there handheld :)