Nintendo Switch Tech Speculation discussion

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I was hoping to see a $249 price point, and its looking like a reality. Nintendo needs a mass market price on day one, and a solid lineup of first party games to get the Switch off to a fast start. Any hope of having solid western third party support leans heavily on how quickly Switch gets going. Wii U was able to sell 3.5 million units during the launch period with a 2D Mario and NintendoLand. Switch is launching at a better price and with the biggest Zelda ever created, and most likely a new 3D Mario game. Switch will sell 10 million units in its first year. I think the specs will ultimately keep some third party titles off the system, but when its cost effective to do ports, and I think there are many instances like Sports titles where its very feasible. Its 2016, the 3DS hardware is a relic in terms of tech, but its going to sell a ton of units this Christmas thanks to Pokémon Sun and Moon. Proof that software alongside an attractive price can move hardware that is far from cutting edge, and Switch with its Tegra chip will be far more cutting edge on day one than the 3DS hardware was.
250€ for such a small, capable device, it's not bad. If it can run games like Skyrim Special Edition at a decent framerate with mods on...well, it's fine.

A youtuber has shown a Nintendo Switch at his house. The streaming of his channel was deleted.

We've already discussed this before. 1) This is Nintendo 2) There's also 2 separate wireless Joy-Cons(L & R) & the Joy-Con Grip. 3) Nvidia Shield Tablet originally launched at $299. Over a year later they relaunched with a new name @ $199. Neither came with a dock. 4) This is Nintendo

Tommy McClain
$250 actually lowers my hopes for the hardware to be more decent.
$300 and the chances for top-of-the-line mobile hardware would be much higher.

$250 is only $50 more than what Nintendo is selling the 3DS for, right now.
If they don't want it to be cannibalized, they'll have to lower the 3DS by a lot.
$250 actually lowers my hopes for the hardware to be more decent.
$300 and the chances for top-of-the-line mobile hardware would be much higher.

$250 is only $50 more than what Nintendo is selling the 3DS for, right now.
If they don't want it to be cannibalized, they'll have to lower the 3DS by a lot.

First step
"A limited edition New Nintendo 3DS will be just $99.99 on Black Friday"
More from Steamworld developers about the Switch.

A point list made from someone at gaf:

- It's Nintendo who actually approached them to ask them if they wanted to develop games on Switch, and gave them a devkit.
- The Image & Form CEO speaks about how tight the NDA was, and how they "absolutely couldn't talk about it".
- Not the whole team was disclosed to work on the console, they have a special room for the allowed developpers.
- They're effectively working on a "project" they don't want to talk about it because they feel like they announced Steamworld Heist too early.
- They also don't feel like making sequels, they prefer to make something new every time.
- The Image & Form CEO was worried about how they would sell the concept in the reveal trailer, but ended relieved as he really liked the video.
- The Switch is qualified as a "straightful" development system, opposed to all the problems they had on Wii U with Unity. He talks about how easier it is to work with it.
- He said that right now the most exciting thing about the Switch is how "they haven't really mentionned everything"
- He talks about how they had to develop games "for the 3DS" (by that he means that they couldn't make games for HD systems and then scale down, because of how weak the 3DS is) and now they're relieved it's not a weak-ass system anymore.
Very good to hear that the development environment for the Switch is drastically improved over the 3DS and Wii U. That goes a long way with developer support, and the quality of that support as well. I'm sure Nvidia is to thank for ease of development.

Its sounding like Zelda it not going to be ready for launch, but apparently a 3D Mario will be ready to go. Skyrim is also said to be a launch title, and Splatoon will be the packed in game for the Deluxe model. This is all according to Laura K Dale and Emily Rogers, who have had a great track lately. Zelda definitely needs to be a launch window game, but I think releasing a few months later could actually be a way to help sustain momentum. EA also made some comments about supporting Switch, basically saying they will test the waters with one or two of their bigger games, and see how that goes. I would have to believe Fifa if the most obvious choice, and if there is a second game, it would probably be Madden. No big surprise here, EA will throw out a game or two that are easy to port, and if they sell well, then perhaps expand from there. Im hoping that the launch day lineup is kept somewhat small. With the abundance of ports that went to Wii U at launch, it spread the consumers dollar a bit to thin. If there is something like 8-10 games at launch, that is plenty. This creates a far better chance for a game like Skyrim to sell well.
EA also made some comments about supporting Switch, basically saying they will test the waters with one or two of their bigger games, and see how that goes. I would have to believe Fifa if the most obvious choice, and if there is a second game, it would probably be Madden. No big surprise here, EA will throw out a game or two that are easy to port...
Unlikely to be their sports games then because they'd need to port Frostbite to Switch. Easy to port games would be games already on nVidia Shield. Dunno what those are. There are mobile versions of FIFA and Madden I guess.
Unlikely to be their sports games then because they'd need to port Frostbite to Switch. Easy to port games would be games already on nVidia Shield. Dunno what those are. There are mobile versions of FIFA and Madden I guess.

Nope, the CEO explicitly says it would be a port of one of their bigger games. Like I have said before, if porting the current versions of Fifa and Madden were to be difficult, they could opt to use the 360/PS3 game engines. Im not convinced that it would be a huge headache to port frostbite. Unreal 4 is supported on day one.
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Nope, the CEO explicitly says it would be a port of one of their bigger games. Like I have said before, if porting the current versions of Fifa and Madden were to be difficult, they could opt to use the 360/PS3 game engines. Im not convinced that it would be a huge headache to port frostbite. Unreal 4 is supported on day one.

Also port one engine and release 2 or 3 games all based on it, that must be better than 3 unique game engines

It does not look like they will be working from scratch
Also port one engine and release 2 or 3 games all based on it, that must be better than 3 unique game engines

It does not look like they will be working from scratch

Excellent find. Most game engines seem to be very scalable these days. The Tegra based processor is hardly something foreign either. The Tegra X1 has the complete DX12 feature set. Its not like with the Wii U where it was not only down on raw horsepower, but it was also incompatible with certain features. Assuming the clock speed for the A57 CPU cores is 2Ghz, it should be ever bit as capable as the Jaguar cores, so no big CPU bottleneck this time. I'm pretty certain the guys over at dice could have the Frostbite engine running on Switch in the matter of a few days. If Switch were using some exotic or ancient hardware, then I could see issues with porting modern engines to the device, but its not.
Excellent find. Most game engines seem to be very scalable these days. The Tegra based processor is hardly something foreign either. The Tegra X1 has the complete DX12 feature set. Its not like with the Wii U where it was not only down on raw horsepower, but it was also incompatible with certain features. Assuming the clock speed for the A57 CPU cores is 2Ghz, it should be ever bit as capable as the Jaguar cores, so no big CPU bottleneck this time. I'm pretty certain the guys over at dice could have the Frostbite engine running on Switch in the matter of a few days. If Switch were using some exotic or ancient hardware, then I could see issues with porting modern engines to the device, but its not.

Yeah how many A57 ? If it's 4 A57 vs 8 Jaguars core... I can be hard for some games. Same thing with "only" 4gb of ram, with low bandwidth. I doubt game like BF1 will come to the Switch, same goes for big third party games. Let's be real, if it's a Tegra X1 without big customisation, it's weak for a 2017 console... Wii U all over again, even if they close the gap a little.
Yeah how many A57 ? If it's 4 A57 vs 8 Jaguars core... I can be hard for some games. Same thing with "only" 4gb of ram, with low bandwidth. I doubt game like BF1 will come to the Switch, same goes for big third party games. Let's be real, if it's a Tegra X1 without big customisation, it's weak for a 2017 console... Wii U all over again, even if they close the gap a little.

Not sure yet on how many cores yet, presumably 4 A57 cores compared to the 6 Jaguar cores that PS4/X1 have dedicated to games, two cores are reserved for the OS on PS4 and X1. As anyone who monitors their CPU usage while gaming on PC can tell you, games typically max out a couple of cores while the rest cruise along at 25-75%, I have yet to play a game on PC that scaled the work load across all four cores on my PC equally. I also believe that single thread performance will be superior to that of the Jaguar if they are indeed 2Ghz, so basically I feed like the CPU will ultimately be on par with the other consoles. The max performance on the GPU side is going to be far less than X1/PS4. The max performance I can see out of a Tegra chip in this application is 750Gflop single precision, and 1.5 Tflop half precision. Just how valuable the ability to use half precision calculations isn't clear. As far as memory bandwidth, I suspect we they are using the 128bit memory bus like they have in Parker, making memory bandwidth adequate for a 512-750Gflop chip that will likely target 720P for the most demanding games.

The CEO for Nvidia seems confident that their custom Tegra chip can accommodate ports. Its probably PR, but perhaps Nvidia is going to raise a lot of eyebrows in January when the Switch is fully revealed.

[O]ne of the factors of production value of games that has been possible is because the PC and the two game consoles, Xbox and PlayStation, and --- in the near-future --- the Nintendo Switch, all of these architectures are common in the sense that they all use modern GPUs, they all use programmable shading, and they all have basically similar features.
You mean 7 Jaguar cores for PS4 and XB1 that are available to games.
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