Nintendo Revolution Revelation on May 9, 2006

To be honest it wouldn't really need that much ram to have far better textures then last generation. XBox had 64MB after all and GC only had 27MB of fast ram. Even if Revolution only had say 256MB of main ram then that would allow for some pretty amazing looking textures compared to last generation (which in turn would require quite a bit more disc space).
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Ooh-videogames said:

Wouldn't the Revolution technically be capable of HD resolution? (720p)

We really don't have to know its specs, considering the fact that the Xbox can do it. 64MB of total memory.

My Geforce2 MX is technically capable of HD resolutions. It's being able to do next-gen graphics at HD resolutions that's the issue (well, and having the actual memory allocated for the framebuffer). If they go for an eDRAM framebuffer like last time, it won't matter how much fillrate it has if there's no physical way to spew it out onto the screen (that's a technical term).
As far as I remember even GameCube could render half the framebuffer at a time and then connect the halves in the output (similar to what 360 does if it needs more space then its embedded ram allows). So yeah I can't see why Revolution wouldn't be technically capable of HDTV resolutions. But like you say fearsomepirate the problem is that HDTV resolutions mean that you have to sacrifice a lot of the effects that you could use at standard resolution.
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Teasy said:
As far as I remember even GameCube could render half the framebuffer at a time and then connect the halves in the output (similar to what 360 does if it needs more space then its embedded ram allows). So yeah I can't see why Revolution wouldn't be technically capable of HDTV resolutions. But like you say fearsomepirate the problem is that HDTV resolutions mean that you have to sacrifice a lot of the effects that you could use at standard resolution.

I remember GameCube being able to offload its additional buffers into main memory, which was how it was able to do triple buffering. (maybe even double buffering, not sure if the 2-3MB of ram was enough for a double buffered 480p image)
It dont need a thread but i is nice to hear this.

Jools, one of our Japanese correspondants, was able to attend Miyamoto’s conference today at the Digital Interactive Entertainment Conference in Kyoto and sent us some great news! Here goes, complete with 1337 cell phone text messaging style!

hi, mailing from cell phone!
mmoto revealed that there is an extra feature in the rev that is still secret.
also, valve r v excited about rev, and love nintendo

Very good news IMO (if true), althought I hope it does not apear people saying that is because of the PPU(jk), but if one think it is as easy to dev as they say and can give on of the best controler for physics ever then it is easy to belive in.
Fox5 said:
I remember GameCube being able to offload its additional buffers into main memory, which was how it was able to do triple buffering. (maybe even double buffering, not sure if the 2-3MB of ram was enough for a double buffered 480p image)

FWIW, not that many games run in 480p. maybe about 20% of the library or so. Stupid Nintendo, not selling cables in stores. It's like they wanted progressive scan to be unpopular.
fearsomepirate said:
FWIW, not that many games run in 480p. maybe about 20% of the library or so. Stupid Nintendo, not selling cables in stores. It's like they wanted progressive scan to be unpopular.

I think more than 20% of the library runs in progressive scan. It's all 1st and 2nd party games except Wario Ware, and about 1/3rd of all 3rd party games, I believe the number is like 70%-80% can run in pscan.

PGC said:
Nintendo had a presence at the conference too, in the form of Shigeru Miyamoto. Gaming blog Kotaku was there to see what Miyamoto had to say, and what he did will pique the interest of those looking forward to the Revolution, which is probably just about everyone that's reading this.

According to Shiggy, "there’s another secret" pertaining to the Revolution controller. What might that secret be? "...I’m not going to go into that here. That’ll be for a later date."

So what is the secret going to be?
Joe DeFuria said:
They might launch in October 2006. I'm personally betting on a 2007 launch for everyone except maybe Japan.
The 12/2, I received a Nintendo Europe newsletter affirming revolution will be launched during 2006, the body consists of a picture that you can find on nintendo-europe website:


It must be a mere coincidencei received it the xbox360 launch day ...
Fox5 said:
Knowing Nintendo, nothing exciting, I can't recall Nintendo ever having a secret that turned out to be worth the wait. Usually Nintendo secrets are just the easiest things to copy.

I can think of one....... the controller. If that controller doesn't get you excited then maybe gaming aint for you.
winstonsmith1978 said:
I can think of one....... the controller. If that controller doesn't get you excited then maybe gaming aint for you.

But we've already seen it, what more can they show us about it to wow us?
Knowing Nintendo, nothing exciting, I can't recall Nintendo ever having a secret that turned out to be worth the wait.

Well that depends on what is exciting to you doesn't it. I'd say what they've announced about the controller already is exciting (which was a secret of course).

This is similar to DS, Nintendo announced that as a dual screen portable. But said that wasn't the whole story, there were still more secrets to announce. One of those was the touch screen, which turned out to be one of the main features of DS.
But we've already seen it, what more can they show us about it to wow us?

He didn't say the new secret was direcly about the controller (neither did Nintendo). He's just pointing out to you that the controller was a secret and is exciting, since you said "Knowing Nintendo, nothing exciting, I can't recall Nintendo ever having a secret that turned out to be worth the wait".
winstonsmith1978 said:
I can think of one....... the controller. If that controller doesn't get you excited then maybe gaming aint for you.

The controller was a big surprise I´ll give you that, but it isn´t exactly making me excited about gaming, on the contrary, I´m pretty sure the controller will degrade and limit the few Nintendo franchises I still like, for example Mario and Zelda. Furthermore, I´m worried the console will not offer anything except glorified low budget minigames or bad PS3/X360 ports.
Why only minigames:?: , that is one thing I would like to see answered by those how still saying that.
Almasy said:
The controller was a big surprise I´ll give you that, but it isn´t exactly making me excited about gaming, on the contrary, I´m pretty sure the controller will degrade and limit the few Nintendo franchises I still like, for example Mario and Zelda. Furthermore, I´m worried the console will not offer anything except glorified low budget minigames or bad PS3/X360 ports.
well these are your expectations... my on the contrary are that only Revolution will be different enough from a PC to warrant a buy in next console cycle, and I am pretty certain that Nintendo will make sure that the Controller brings in quite a few different games that will exploit it into an experience that will be great and cannot be replicated anywhere else.
Furthermore, I´m worried the console will not offer anything except glorified low budget minigames or bad PS3/X360 ports.

Because mini games are the only thing that can benefit from a controller that offers precision mouse-like controls and much more? Think before you type.
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Teasy said:
Because mini games are the only thing that can benefit from a controller that offers precision mouse-like controls and much more? Think before you type.

In the past, when a new control type has been introduced to gaming it usually ends up only in mini games. See Donkey Konga and Jungle Beat.
However, considering this is the default controller on the Revolution I can't imagine it will only have gimmick games. God, I hope for a Shenmue on Revolution.