Nintendo Marketing

london-boy said:
:???: Uhm... nothing...? Would you have preferred i said my "girlfriend" got a job with Nintendo?? :???:

Hehe conflict of interest? I think Aibo's would have been so much cooler!! Besides, they don't eat, smell or shit on you!!

Yeah but don't that run out of power in less than 40 minutes?:LOL:
PC-Engine said:
Yeah but don't that run out of power in less than 40 minutes?:LOL:

Well when you think about it in terms of practicality, would you rather plug something to the power supply every 40 mins or smell of shit or dog food? :LOL:
Speaking of marketing.

How does this sound.

Resident Evil 4 gets advertised for PS2 meanwhile Nintendo rereleases RE4 as Players choice or bundles Gamecube with all RE titles. A proper RE Bundle @ that!

Hence using Sony advertising to their advantage!

So what if this pisses over Capcom!

What goes around comes around!
Master-Mold said:
"OMG I NEVER KNEW YOU WERE...a fan of Nintendo's marketing"

Quiet @ the back!

I hear marketing Holy orders being whispered.....

News alert.

Nintendo marketeers break new world record for vow of silence.

Even Trappists Monks salute them!
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