Doesn't matter if rare and turok were big on n64 and flopped this gen, if nintendo had supported them as they did during the n64, they may have remained big.(And conker live and uncut certainly doesn't look bad)
GC's library is bigger than n64s... but most of it is just crappy 3rd party games. 3rd party multiplatform games don't make a difference, and crappy 3rd party games don't make a difference, but that's basically all nintendo gained this gen. N64 was far more profitable, and had far better rated games. Also, n64 was better in first person shooters and platformers than gamecube is.
The 3 re games and vj aren't nothing, but they're not as important as rare's entire contribution to the n64, nintendo probably would have flopped on the n64 without rare's support.(and support from both rare and capcom started on a previous generation, rare made donkey kong country which gave the snes a few extra years of life, capcom ported resident evil 2, and started to make re:zero, and had virtually no impact) Plus, come on, 3 re games? 1 was a big deal, 3 is just redundant, even though re4 may be one of the best games ever and a large change in the series it still has a very similar theme and style. And VJ isn't exclusive, it'll be on ps2 eventually.(that decision probably doesn't effect gamecube much, but VJ wasn't a million seller either)
BTW, in my opinion....
The Pokemon Stadiums blew Pokemon Colosseum away.
Super Mario 64 blew Super Mario Sunshine way.
Goldeneye blew away every first person shooter on gamecube, except maybe timesplitters 2, that's sort of a give and take thing there.
Mario Party is pretty much the same as always.
Starfox 64 was better than Starfox Adventures(and since it's a rare game; it was better than some rare n64 games, but worse than conker's bad fur day)
Wind Waker was better than zelda 64. Not sure if it's better than majora's mask, I liked majora's mask, but I never got around to finishing it, but it had some real good promise. Wind Waker is probably better though, as its the first zelda game with puzzles that require at least a small amount of intelligence.(especially some of the optional ones on islands)
Wario Ware sucked compared to the gba version.
Super Smash Bros Melee blew SSB out of the water, if only all gamecube games were this high quality.
Pikmin was a very fun and original attempt, wish it had been delayed for a bit longer though, so close to perfection, with a bit more time it could have been as good as or better than mario 64. IMO, this should have been nintendo's premier title, wonder if things would have gone differently if nintendo launched a year later with even beefier hardware and a whole slew of perfected games....hey, it worked for the n64 to launch late with just 1 perfect game, they sold like the first 10 million n64s just on that.
Metroid Prime is better than the 2d metroids I suppose, but it doesn't really seem to the same type of game as them. I find it closer to halflife, and in that comparision I'm not sure if I prefer metroid prime or halflife, just both are damn good.(wind waker still has better puzzles though)
Wave Race...can't really remember the n64 one well, but I liked this one, lacking in options, but it was fun.
The Rogue Squadron games seemed somehow less fun than the n64 game, rebel strike had pitifully short missions(and a fun multiplayer mode), and rogue leader was hard, but they just didn't seem to play as well. They seemed less arcadey on the gamecube, if you're going to move to flight sim, at least go all out and produce a sequel to tie fighter.
Fzero- Good I guess, but fzero x was better, it was easier to control, you didn't zoom by opponents, and multiplayer was interesting since you actually saw each other once in a while. Better tracks too.
Turok- they were pretty bad on n64, stupid quake style games(horrible level design) with good graphics, a fun coop and deathmatch mode in turok 2(use cheat codes, set res low and wide screen, and you can play through the single player in multiplayer at somewhat acceptable framerates....only the boss battles were really fun, and the multiplayer weapons were crappified), didn't really miss it, but hey, it used to get like 9s on the n64. Project SWARM may actually have been a better game(true coop action, that's all I played in it, but it was pretty crazy for the rental I had it).
Extreme G: Another overrated n64 series, yet it still managed to fail my expectations on gamecube.
Mortal Kombat had a slight improvement.
Kirby Air Ride should have been combined with mario kart to make a good game.
Mario Kart had very little of anything, but I think I like double dash better than mario kart 64.(64 had better battle arenas though, and possibly better tracks)
Resident Evil is unfortunately the same as always, keeps improving graphics, makes the storyline more confusing, and leave the bad controls in tact. Give me a zombie revenge styled RE, please.