Nintendo DS production pricing?

I am doing a paper for my econ 533 class, I need the help of my fellow posters. I need a to know how much it cost Nintendo to make the ds and how much it cost sony to make the psp. A link to a legit website that does cost breakdowns of both prudcts will be appreciated greatly. my paper is on the nintnedo ds and i need to do a cost analysis of the product and its closet competitor as well as the affects of market structure on the products. This is why I need the sot breakdown of the DS and PSP. Thanks guys.

I just need the info and then the thread can be locked thanks again.
I don't think such figures are ever made public. If you find any that aren't best guesses I'll be gobsmacked.
I haven't seen anything like this even for older consoles and handhelds. I doubt you will get anything but guestimates even from legit websites.

Best thing is to try to guess yourself by making a BOM and attaching prices until you find a formula that you think makes sense.

The only tangible and public info you have to work on is public recommended prices from the manufacturer, the lowest price you have seen for the complete package.

From that I would speak to shops to see if they will give you their buy prices and work backwards.

Once you have a buy price on a complete console unit you might see that the hardware is being sold at a loss.

Erm.. good luck anyway.
Oh wow... didn't realise there was so much money involved in this field.

All you really need is a *well placed mole or a fuzzy calculator.

*Delete as appropriate
Mmmkay said:
IDC did a teardown on the Nintendo DS:

Portelligent did one for both the DS & PSP:


I don't know if this is what you're looking for, but these reports only analyse component cost so theyre not entirely accurate.

this is what i am looking for but having to drop $3,500 for the report is not going to happen. I do argue the are not accurate but i have a margin of erro in can fall within for my paper analysis. is there way to veiw it or do i have to pay for it. thanks though
Most of us would kill for these reports. Sadly they almost never get leaked, and what does is usually just a single number summary of the overall BoM like what we got with the 360.
Why not just make a guess for the BOM yourself? The selling price of DS is roughly twice the manufacturing cost. The most expensive part is the LCDs.

Case, stylus, plasic parts - $5
Battery and charger - $6
LCDs - $25
SoC - $15
PCB - $3

For PSP,

LCD - $65
SoC - $40
Battery - $30
Case plastic parts - $8
UMD drive - $20
RAM - $10
PCB - $10
Why not just make a guess for the BOM yourself? The selling price of DS is roughly twice the manufacturing cost. The most expensive part is the LCDs.
Unfortunately without exact prices (how do you know Sony pay $65 for PSPs screen?) you could be about by as much as 50% either way. For a financial report, blind speculation won't do, and if the Emperor wants to go with his own guesses he'll have to research and justify all the expsenses.

As to why these reports are never leaked, would you leak a document you paid $3500 for, giving it to everyone else for free?
Shifty Geezer said:
Unfortunately without exact prices (how do you know Sony pay $65 for PSPs screen?) you could be about by as much as 50% either way.

And who said $65 was the exact price? Regardless I know I'm pretty close since I have prices for a smaller 3.7" widescreen by Sharp with very similar specs to the one used in PSP. Anyway if you don't agree with my estimate then that's ok, that wasn't why I put the numbers out there.;)

BTW my battery estimate for the PSP was for a 4800mAh battery. If PSP comes with a less capacity 1800mAh battery then it should be around $12-$15..
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And who said $65 was the exact price?
No-one. That's the point, it isn't exact. It's a guess.
Regardless I'm pretty close
How do you know? Where is your source on PSPs component prices? If there is anywhere one can check their guesses then the Emperor could work out his own BOM. For myself, I could guess $50 for the screen but I've no idea if that's right or wrong. I've no idea where to even start to price such a component. Some components you can look up, like an 1800 mAh rechargable Lithium Cell, and get an approximate figure. But how can you get an approximate figure on a unique screen not used elsewhere or an optical drive not used elsewhere? I'm not saying it can't be done, but I don't know where to look for that info.
Thanks for telling me what I already know. It's not exact but it's close.
My point was how do you know it's close? If you've got a pricing somewhere to show that, then just show the pricing! Or if you work in LCD production, tell us. Giving out figures without substantiating them means they can't be considered as valid, certainly not for a College report. Thunder Emperor wants as fairly exact pricing for his report, and if he's to create a BOM of his own, he needs to be able to show where he worked out his prices from.
I couldn't see any prices in that document. Can you point them out to me please.
Yea it would be surprising that the LCD might turn out to be priced at a very good discount or it might be Sony had to pay through the nose for it.
And then there is the Samsung LCD screens used, what prices they are and what Sony PAID for them.
Bit of a nightmare really, and best guesses is all you have unless you have an insider, plain and simple.
Shifty Geezer said:
My point was how do you know it's close? If you've got a pricing somewhere to show that, then just show the pricing! Or if you work in LCD production, tell us. Giving out figures without substantiating them means they can't be considered as valid, certainly not for a College report. Thunder Emperor wants as fairly exact pricing for his report, and if he's to create a BOM of his own, he needs to be able to show where he worked out his prices from.
I couldn't see any prices in that document. Can you point them out to me please.

There isn't any pricing information in that PDF. That's the part number. Now goto one of Sharps distributers for a price quote.;)
All I did was ask you where you got your figure to say you were close. If you have a real figure that you've referenced already, link to it. Don't arse about sending people round the houses following an electronic paper trail trying to find some reason to believe you're not just making things up. Honestly, what kind of a chump answers a question "Where is your source on PSPs component prices?" with a link to a technical spec doc for its part number?
To cut to the chase, if someone is doing a decent report on this information, then they will need references.
There isn't any pricing information in that PDF. That's the part number. Now goto one of Sharps distributers for a price quote.;)
That price will contain distributer markup, which may or may not be a standardized percentage which could be subtracted to get an even more approximated (and hence unreliable) price estimate of the PSP screen... Sony on the other hand would buy straight from the manufacturer, if they don't in fact make the screen themselves that is.

The PSP drive on the other hand looks exactly like the mechanics out of a read-only minidisc drive. Probably all that differs is the optical pickup (which would be standard DVD hardware) and some electronics to interpret the signals. Seeing as MDs are well established tech, it probably isn't particulary expensive.
Guden Oden said:
That price will contain distributer markup, which may or may not be a standardized percentage which could be subtracted to get an even more approximated (and hence unreliable) price estimate of the PSP screen... Sony on the other hand would buy straight from the manufacturer, if they don't in fact make the screen themselves that is..

Of course and it doesn't take into account volume discounts either, but that's as close as you're going to get even if that price is a ceiling instead of a floor. Unless anyone here works for SONY and it's engineering department, you're not going to get any closer than that.