Ninja Gaiden 2

After being stunned as to how much I enjoyed NGS, I'm really, really looking forward to this. I know a lot of people have issues with the visual style but it kinda works for me.

I will have to hold my hand up and admit that eventually I gave in and finished NGS on Ninja Dog though. Gone are my days of slogging through something while gritting my teath and pounding the floor in utter frustration.........

Well I can't... Hmm this sucks big time. The Pal-version of the first Ninja Gaiden was censored to not include decapitations and atleast on the Finnish machines Sigma is also... Is your Sigma Pal-version?

I sure hope Ninja Gaiden 2 escapes all censorship.
Considering is far bloodier than the first one, I doubt it

Yes, but if it isn't censored in even just one pal country then it's possible to get the uncencored version, it might also be region free title, in which case I'm counting on that there will be atleast one uncensored market out there :smile:
Well I can't... Hmm this sucks big time. The Pal-version of the first Ninja Gaiden was censored to not include decapitations and atleast on the Finnish machines Sigma is also... Is your Sigma Pal-version?

I sure hope Ninja Gaiden 2 escapes all censorship.

Hmm....well actually I dont own the full version of Sigma. I have the demo. My cousin has it and I think it had decapitation. Remind me again tomorrow to check
With some of those screens with close up of the characters, the specular on the characters look rough, it looks like they are using per vertex lighting instead of per pixel, or is there some other explanation ?
I would like an explanation as well.

Well I can't... Hmm this sucks big time. The Pal-version of the first Ninja Gaiden was censored to not include decapitations and at least on the Finnish machines Sigma is also... Is your Sigma Pal-version?

I sure hope Ninja Gaiden 2 escapes all censorship.

Hmm... I thought Germany was the only country that the ratings board wanted to censor the game. Did you guys get Dead Rising and Gears of War? Were they censored? I bring up DR because you could decapitate zombies in the 10,000s with blood and gore galore.
Hmm... I thought Germany was the only country that the ratings board wanted to censor the game. Did you guys get Dead Rising and Gears of War? Were they censored? I bring up DR because you could decapitate zombies in the 10,000s with blood and gore galore.

Nah We don't normally get censored versions and I'm still quite sure that the full PAl-version of Sigma is censored in the whole region. I don't remember the exact reason why the original Ninja Gaiden was censored in Europe, but it was censored in the whole region and not just in Finland. In general we don't have much censorship.
I asked my cousin and he told me that Ninja Gaiden has decapitations on his PS3 too. I ll have to see it myself too though
seems like a terrible way to solve the problem with censorship (to censor the entire region, if only germany is crying), a much simpler solution would be to make a censored german version of the game, giving the rest of us uncensored stuff.
I asked my cousin and he told me that Ninja Gaiden has decapitations on his PS3 too. I ll have to see it myself too though

Japanese version of NGS does not have decapitations for Human characters. Only monster types. There is blood though.

There is lots of censorship in JP games for violent content.

Of the games I've played: The Japanese version of Dead Rising on 360 does not have decapitations and that was a Z rated game! Meaning they could not even stock that game in store shelves. Resistance does not even have blood in the JP version.

When I saw Metal Gear Online at TGS one of the first things I noticed was that there was no blood in that game either. That kind of made it hard to tell if someone was getting shot or not.

Anyway, it is obvious NG2 is for the US market not JP. Most of that violence will have to be taken out or toned down for the JP market. Even if they took out decaps and just had the blood it would end up a Z rated game making it very difficult to sell except to hardcore gamers.
Gametap and Shacknews have some impressions up. There's an interview somewhere in there too.

I'm just reading it right now. Some new screenshots too I think.

Regarding Difficulty:
Itagaki wants more people to experience Ninja Gaiden II, and has taken a more serious look at the varying difficulty levels and their balancing to make it so.


In Ninja Gaiden Black, the Ninja Dog mode merely added more items but the combat itself was still quite difficult; here, the acolyte difficulty is an overall toned-down version of Ninja Gaiden. The enemies are less numerous, and not quite as adept as the ones you encounter in higher difficulty modes. It's the mode that Itagaki himself says he can finish while drunk.

The man never ceases to be awesome. :LOL:
It's great to hear that they're trying to reach out to a more casual audience. :)

And... seriously... what happened to the man :?: It looks like he was in a fire accident. :???:
AlStrong regrets watching the HD version
It's great to hear that they're trying to reach out to a more casual audience. :)

And... seriously... what happened to the man :?: It looks like he was in a fire accident. :???:
AlStrong regrets watching the HD version

Extremely bad acne and acne scaring. He had that problem as far back as I remember seeing him, Dreamcast days. Given his position I would say its more stress induced than anything else.
Man I can't wait to play this!!! NInja Gaiden is my game and this is the only reason I'll turn on my 360 this year for any real length of time!!

Not to brag but I was number 2 on the leaderboards for Sigma with just over 20 million points on Master Ninja difficulty. I've been bumped since but I refuse to play the same save file file for months just for another few millioin points. I did my 20 million run in under 2 weeks.