Next Gen XBox Site gets some familiar staff

London-Boy, I thought you were in your late 20's?

Dimension 3D was an awesome site and its forum members were highly intelligent also. I never posted but I did lurk all the time, I was trying to learn as much as 3d as possible as that was the direction everyone was headed. Anywho, was there a poster by the name of nobody's perfect ever post there? He knew a lot about Real3D and I wanted to talk to him about the technology ever since.
Sonic said:
London-Boy, I thought you were in your late 20's?

Dimension 3D was an awesome site and its forum members were highly intelligent also. I never posted but I did lurk all the time, I was trying to learn as much as 3d as possible as that was the direction everyone was headed. Anywho, was there a poster by the name of nobody's perfect ever post there? He knew a lot about Real3D and I wanted to talk to him about the technology ever since.

Thanks Sonic. I remember him. In fact, I thought you asked about him once before? I was having some major Deja Vu. lol Anyway, I don't think I've heard from him since.

Tommy McClain
Twink? Sorry, I am not up with all the slang these days. Thoguh I do ehar my girlfriend calling certain guys she sees twinks. Have no clue what it is.

Tommy, I did ask about him before but never really received any answers. Anywho, would you happen to know anything about the Real3D tech? I could ask some of my SoJ buddies who have worked on Model 3 but I only know of two and their English isn't so good.

Anyway, I checked out your new site and it's awesome. I like the layout and will check it out at least once a week for news and various things I may have missed.
london-boy said:
IST said:
Thanks, Tommy. That was way before my time, lol.

Gosh, how old r u?

I thought i was one of the young ones around here, turns out i'm one of the........ :oops: OLD :oops: guys.... No, that's not good.

I'm 16. The only PC I had access to at the time was some old 386, I guess.
Sonic said:
Twink? Sorry, I am not up with all the slang these days. Thoguh I do ehar my girlfriend calling certain guys she sees twinks. Have no clue what it is.
Nor do I in this case. To me "twinks" are low-level characters who've been geared up by high level friends or alternates to be much better than they would otherwise. ;)

I don't see how london-boy qualifies for that unless he just came into a big inheritance or something. :p
Sonic said:
Twink? Sorry, I am not up with all the slang these days. Thoguh I do ehar my girlfriend calling certain guys she sees twinks. Have no clue what it is.

I was thinking Twiki on Buck Rogers, but I think it refers to Twink on Rainbow Brite. LOL

Sonic said:
Tommy, I did ask about him before but never really received any answers. Anywho, would you happen to know anything about the Real3D tech? I could ask some of my SoJ buddies who have worked on Model 3 but I only know of two and their English isn't so good.

Sorry man, I knew nothing about Real3D and still don't. Trying to remember who would. I used to know somebody at Real3D, but it's been so long I can't remember. Sorry.

Sonic said:
Anyway, I checked out your new site and it's awesome. I like the layout and will check it out at least once a week for news and various things I may have missed.

Great! Thanks for visiting. One thing though, I had nothing to do with the design or anything. ;) I'm just a writer. Yes, I'm only a writer. Man, another 80's flashback(I'm just a bill. I'm only a bill). Get out of my head! :D

Tommy McClain
Anything on Real3D is of interest to me, even now. the Real3D upgrade for Saturn, the console designs that LM/Real3D submitted to SEGA, the discussions that Sega and Real3D had regarding consoles, and to bring this into the recent past as well as the present, the Real3D technology and engineers now owned by ATI - the Orlando design site that ATI has, almost certainly because Real3D was in Florida, which is contributing to R600 and Xbox Next.

I am extremely interested in the next Xbox and what Sega does on it. in many ways, it'll be closer to Sega's Model 1,3,3 series of arcade boards than Sega's own Dreamcast. why? because Xbox 2 will almost definitally have *some* Real3D DNA in it, as well as SGI DNA (SGI is closer to Real3D than PowerVR) as well as PowerPC processors. Dreamcast was based on Videologic/ImgTech PowerVR and Hitachi SuperH, both very very different from the Real3D + PowerPC powered Model 3. also, when I say Xbox 2 will be closer to Model 3 than Dreamcast, I don't mean in performance, i mean in heritage and roots and qualities, not power.

I know I am probably the only one who sees this connection but if you look at the facts..... 8)
btw Tommy, congrats on the gig being editor-in-chief at that Xbox 2 page.

Dimension3D was pretty much my major source of info for PC 3D graphics back in the day, I'm sure this Xbox 2 website will kick ass now ^__^
Off topic, but Megadrive:

If you've got Saturn Bomberman, would you be interested in playing some rounds sometime? It's direct-dial, so it still works and always will. Let me know... I've got a Net Link to dial you up.
Anywho, was there a poster by the name of nobody's perfect ever post there? He knew a lot about Real3D and I wanted to talk to him about the technology ever since.
Off topic, but Megadrive:

If you've got Saturn Bomberman, would you be interested in playing some rounds sometime? It's direct-dial, so it still works and always will. Let me know... I've got a Net Link to dial you up.

yeah definitally Lazy8s

I'm having some difficulty with my netzero dialup account (i use cable now but for netlink i dont have a solid stable dialup)... i'll let ya know when i get that sorted. looking forward to bomberman matches over the phone :)
btw, Nobody's Perfect was the guy that had lots of faith that Sega's post-Saturn console would contain a LM Real3D graphics processor. he was pretty fanatical about it. he was right about the Hitachi SH-4 being used and I think he was pretty surprised when he found out Videologic and NEC's PowerVR2 was selected instead of Real3D, as was I.

maybe he'll get part of his desire with Xbox 2.
Megadrive. Every chip designed by Ati and Nvidia has SGI DNA to use your terms. Even Microsoft has ex-SGI employees.