I was more thinking along the lines of Xbox Series X indicating a range of consoles.
That could mean that the name could get a bit clunky though. Kind of like phone names.
Pixel 3, Pixel 3a.
iPhone X, iPhone XR
So, for example, it could be something like
Xbox Series X
- Xbox XL
- Xbox XS
- Xbox XLR
- Etc.
The name of each individual console doesn't necessarily have to be Xbox Series X(something) or Xbox Series (something).
Alternatively they could go clunky and do
- Xbox Series X Elite edition.
- Xbox Series X Home edition.
- Xbox Series X New edition (when the shunk version comes out.
Or they could get a little silly.
- Xbox Series X Small edition
- Xbox Series X Big edition
- Xbox Series X Bigger edition
- Xbox Series X Mine is Bigger than Yours editions

Anyway, I just think it'd be weird if they had Xbox Series S in addition to Xbox Series X when Xbox Series X kind of implies multiple consoles under that brand (Xbox Series X).