Looks to me like Titan RTX beats TitanV quite easily in the reflection heavy maps (rotterdam). It's about 40 or 50% faster though these benchmarks are pretty simple.
I guess that goes back to the question of what BFV is actually doing. How much of the % difference is from shading performance. Would be nice to see both cards with RTX off to get a baseline performance difference.
Spec-wise, Titan RTX does not have any major performance advantages for general gaming except a huge amount of memory, that I'm not sure BFV could even take advantage of. TFlop/s and bandwidth are roughly equal.
Edit: In a roundabout way, this may actually explain what BFV is doing. If a map were primarily casting screen-space rays, you would expect performance to be roughly equal. The performance divergence suggests that there is a significant burden of DXR rays on-screen in Rotterdam map, even after the patch.
There is a huge penalty from activating DXR even on maps like Hamada which has only a few reflected surfaces. It takes twice as long to render a frame from "off" to "Low" (200FPS -> 100FPS), yet there is no real difference between "Low" and "Ultra".
That can explain the "small" difference between Volta and Turing.