Yes, but that's a singular fringe case, and no proof it'll materialise as a product, or even a good product. Move is capable of sculplting, but who's using it? Who's done anything interesting with it beyond simple Tumble interactions (liked that game, would be great in 3D), dubious RTS interfaces (tried Move with RUSE and Under Siege, and it wasn't great, plus those games weren't great IMO), and pointing shooters with weird camera controls (MAG etc., couldn't get on with them with a little experience and wasn't motivated enough to buy a Move and dedicate hours training to get good with them)? Sports and Tumble were good. Launch titles. Fringe titles like the awesome EyeToy Play. And then the tech fizzles out (like Warhawk's cool motion flight not only failing to reach other games, but actually being dropped from its sequel!) and you're left with a dust-gathering box (everyone's Wii after that got finished playing Wii Sports).
TBH even if PS4Eye is included in the box, it might get zero support like sixaxis. But with Kinect on XB1, chances of using the camera for things like high-quality head tracking (not GT5's ridiculous implementation) are much improved. I really want Sony to actually get behind their tech for once, instead of the usual 'let's put it out there and see what happens' approach.
TBF to PlayStation they are putting money behind MM. I hope to others that is a sign they really are investing not only in the idea of content creation but also with Move and sculpting. Sony is funding them to make their dream game and incidentally it sounds like Move is going to be used like never before: to actually do things a controller can't (easily) do.
Sculpting hasn't been tried before with Move so we can't ask who is using it yet
Sculpting and content creation like that is supposed to start with MM's new game.
MM can't really be compared to Wii Sports or that seen as MM inspiration if we're honest right? Sculpting and whole game making using motion controls is a whole other ball game IMO.